Alexeï Lissitzine, codename: Griffin is the Smuggler of Raven's Rock.
Alexeï Lissitzine is a former FSB field officer. Very little is known about his actual activity, but it is believed that his specialty was installing intelligence cells in foreign countries. Establishing logistical chains, or "Ratlines" was his area of expertise. We think that the nature of his work planted seeds of mistrust in his own nation's interests, so he was an easy target for Raven's Rock. After his recruitment, he went dark. Before his disappearance he was known for being especially paranoid; he'd never sleep in the same place twice, and kept his sources so tightly guarded even his subordinates never knew exactly what he was doing. It's even rumored that he killed some of the men under his command when he felt they were compromised.
When confronting Nomad, Griffin pilots a heavily armored Opheis MK.II helicopter (painted in Raven's Rock's colors), equipped with dual rocket launchers.
If he survives the helicopter crash, Griffin's primary assault rifle is the TAVOR, which has the same attachments as other Wolf riflemen.
Also he had an HK416 in the trailer movie.
- Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Breakpoint (Red Patriot DLC)