An Eye For An A.I. is a main mission in Episode 1 of Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Breakpoint.
“ Ian Blake, Sentinel's paranoid chief of surveillance must be found and forced to unlock the A.I's final firewall. ”
1. Go to the Darkwood Island Port in the Cape North province. Interrogate Sentinel officers for the location of Ian Blake. Further information can be retrieved in the Silent Mountain province.
2. Go to the Silent Mountain Battery Farm. Interrogate Sentinel troops for further information. They point to Ian Blake's location at his base on the Avalanche Peak in the province.
3. Go to the Auroa Intranet Control. Find Ian Blake. Interrogate Sentinel troops for his location. You will find Ian Blake in his office in the southern-most building of the site, with Blake ordering around his troops over the intercomm covering next to a heavy Sentinel trooper.
4. Kill the heavy trooper and grab Ian Blake. Nomad pressures him into co-operating. He tells that the drone control program is locked with a biometric reader on the other side of the base. Escort Blake to the underground control room under the surveillance room in the main building. Sentinel will send an Overseer patrol to intercept. (The game tells you to knock out Ian Blake, but you simply move him on the ground so you can carry him.)
5. At the underground control room, a cutscene plays. Ian Blake tries to offer information on Jace Skell and Cole D. Walker to Nomad. Nomad moves him to unlock the control program. As he does that, Silverback runs to the room and shoots in Blake's shoulder. Blake yells at him to ask what he is doing. Silverback responds saying the Wolves are tired of Blake spying on them and throws a smoke grenade to cover his escape. Nomad says Blake's out of friends and drags him over the biometric scanner to unlock the drone control program. Nomad leaves the room with Blake left to fend for himself.
6. Go back to the construction site. Cromwell says that Maddox and her have already started working on unlocking the program. Maddox says that the A.I. is a very large program to be extracted, but small in comparison what they are working on with Project Deus. Maddox wants to elevate humanity with it, but Nomad says he has seen people who have tried.
7. A flashback plays of Nomad and Cole D. Walker being reprimanded for Walker's execution of lieutenant Vaughan in front of a general and a man flipping a lighter a few years earlier in the Middle-East. Walker asks smugly whether or not they're at the meeting to make the world a better place or getting a promotion. Nomad tries to cover for Walker, but the general says that had not Vaughan killed a civilian, the two would be in Leavenworth for Walker's actions.
Walker says that Vaughan was useless and how everyone complained about his poor work. The general says that one cannot kill someone for doing a bad job. Walker asks if they would risk their lives and mission just because the kid's father is a senator. The general says Walker is out of line. Walker asks sarcastically if he is going to be charged and says that what he did was for the right cause. The general angrily responds asking how murdering a US Army officer is right. Walker makes a point about how getting rid of an incompetent officer off the battlefield is right and says how the general is a sniveling hypocrite who has "no balls and no vision."
Nomad tells Walker to calm down. The general says that the Ghosts are not out of the reach of law. Walker says to Nomad that the US army shows no gratitude to the Ghosts' work. Nomad says that he thinks the Ghosts are doing the right thing. Walker calls the US chain of command sanctimonious bastards and says that they can't work with them. The general asks Walker if he is finished. Walker says that he is and leaves the tent.
8. In the present, Nomad makes a point about how Walker criticized the generals on risking civilian lives, but does the very thing on Auroa. Maddox says she would never do the same and thinks that Project Deus has sound values. Cromwell gives Nomad a DNA-based flash-drive that contains the A.I. work.
9. Go to Erewhon to hand over the flash-drive with the A.I. in it to Jace Skell. The mission ends.
“ Ian Blake has unlocked the A.I and has been left behind to fend for himself. The technology has been brought back to Jace Skell. ”
- 1050 XP
- 1500 Skell Credits