Arctic Sun is the thirteenth mission conducted by The Ghosts during the 2008 Russian war.
It looks like civil war. The centrists in the government and military have formed an alliance against the ultranationalists. We're getting reports of Russian-on-Russian fighting from Smolensk to Vladivostok.
We're continuing our strategy of raids against military bases that are backing the coup. Your next target is the air base at Arkhangel'sk. It's the test site for both the Su-47 Berkut, a new experimental fighter prototype, and the Ka-50 Hokum, Russia's next generation attack helicopter. Your objectives are to plant demo charges in both the Berkut and Hokum hangars as well as completely shutting down operations in the control tower.
Intel indicates that security at Arkhangel'sk is light. Apparently there's been a sharp increase in the number of desertions since the coup, so don't worry about trying to finesse your way in. Based on our analysis, the best approach is a direct frontal assault. Hit them hard and fast and get out as quickly as possible.