Ghost Recon Wiki

Auroa Survival Shelter is a compound built for sheltering the population of the Auroa archipelago in case of a major natural disaster. The control station monitoring the Golem Island volcano is linked to the Natural Hazards Control Center, which instantly gives a warning for gathering at the shelter in case of an emergency dangering the safety of the archipelago. Carl Chisum describes the compound to be built more secure than the US Army base Fort Knox.

The shelter is located next to the Sun Lake.


During Operation Citadel, the shelter was turned into Ilsa Herzog's personal torture chamber and a prison. After Ayana Puri failed to co-operate with Trey Stone, he had the programmers working on fixing an exploit on the Legion drone swarm's programming moved to the shelter, with Herzog personally making sure the captives would comply.

Nomad after rescuing Carl Chisum would help the prisoners escape and kill Herzog.

Notable loot[]

  • AK-74
  • Polar Fleece Beanie
  • Steel-toed Boots
  • Herzog's Torture Logs
  • Walker's Email To Herzog

Related missions[]


