Blake's Law is a main mission in Episode 1 of Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Breakpoint.
“ Jace Skell requires an advanced A.I. from the Skell Foundation campus for his virus. The head of the AI department, Christina Cromwell, may know how to get it, if she's still around. ”
1. Talk to Jace Skell in Erewhon. He explains that they need an A.I capable of hijacking the Legion swarm's programming and that Christina Cromwell is able to get it for them, if they're lucky.
2. Head to the Skell Foundation Campus located in the middle of Lake Kathryn in the Darkwood Island in the Cape North province. You can go to the nearest bivouac point at the Wall Mountain bivouac. Find Christina Crowmwell. Her collegues must know of her location.
3. Cromwell is located in her office in the 4th floor of the Pythagora's Hall building. Talk to her. Nomad introduces himself and explains he is working with Skell to safely extract civilians off the archipelago. Crowmwell explains that Ian Blake, an ex-police, has the province locked down with his surveillance drones and that the Skell employees are held prisoner because of them. She needs Nomad's help of finding the security team's assesement on the campus' systems in order to gain information on hacking the A.I. She points him to the Archemedes Hall in the campus for the location of the reports.
4. Go to the hall located in the northern part of the campus. You will find several computers and a server room with the required data. The server room laptop requires a password, which can only be gained from Sentinel officers. Interrogate one and bypass the security. Then go back to Cromwell.
5. Nomad finds out that the automated security network halted a previous hacking attempt. Cromwell explains that in order to download the A.I, Nomad has to install a dongle to the comms center's system located in Darkwood Island. Ian Blake uses the same network to protect the data, so Nomad has to also temporarily shut down the Sugarloaf mountain antenna in order to upload the A.I as well as cut the hardlines located in a coastal cavern to stop the network from working. The mission ends.
“ Christina Crowmwell was found on the Skell Foundation campus, under heavy Sentinel surveillance. She has a plan to get Jace Skell's advanced A.I. back. ”
- 1400 XP
- 1500 Skell Credits