Ghost Recon Wiki

Awyman13 Awyman13 1 August 2020

Your New Fandom Wiki Manager

Hello everyone! I have replaced Thatawesomecat as the the Fandom Wiki Manager for the . I am here to help the community and be a liaison to full-time Fandom staff. If you ever have a question or issue relating to the wiki, editing, styling, infoboxes, templates, etc., please contact me on my message wall.

Here are some handy links for help with wiki features:

  • Galleries, Slideshows, and Sliders—ways to present images.
  • Tabbers—a tabbed interface to organize information.
  • Portable Infoboxes—concise presentation of data that works on mobile devices too.
  • Community CSS and JavaScript—more customization options.
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Thatawesomecat Thatawesomecat 25 March 2020

Wiki Manager introduction

Hello Ghost Recon Wiki, I'm Thatawesomecat, your Wiki Manager here! I'll be acting as a liaison between you and Fandom Staff. For any questions or issues related to editing here, please feel free to reach out to me!

You can read more about Fandom Wiki Managers here:

I will be around to check your RecentChanges occasionally, but if you need me, please feel free to send me a message on my talk page here. I look forward to working with you!

Thatawesomecat (talk) 16:36, March 25, 2020 (UTC)Thatawesomecat

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Peteryim Peteryim 31 December 2019

Breakpoint also has the M320 GLM

I know u are busy improving the wikia about the weapons in Wildlands but please let us add something inside. Cause I saw the Sharpshooter class in Breakpoint can also use the M320 but only fire sensor rounds that act similar to Future Soldier's magnetic sensor. U can go to IMFD to check.

PS. Please don't block all the pages in the wikia. Peteryim (talk) 03:44, December 31, 2019 (UTC)

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Awyman13 Awyman13 28 September 2019

Breakpoint Countdown Timer

Hello everyone! My name is Austin and I am a member of the Fandom Gaming Wiki Manager Team. I would like to inform the community of a new countdown timer that we've added to the wiki main page in preparation for the release of Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Breakpoint next week. It will be active until October 3, 2019 at 11:59 PM. Until then, take care Ghosts! --awyman13 (Talk/Work) 03:48, September 28, 2019 (UTC)

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Peteryim Peteryim 19 June 2019

Which Redditor said there were 32 Ghosts?

So can u tell us where u get this link? Peteryim (talk) 07:47, June 19, 2019 (UTC)

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Peteryim Peteryim 6 December 2018

Scott Mitchell's inspiration from real life person is confirmed?

While I was editing Mitchell's bio, I find something familiar. The reason is in real life there is an US Army Green Beret operator Master Sergeant Raul Perez "Roy" Benavidez aka 'Tango Mike Mike' of the 5th Special Forces Group who survived ‘six hours in hell’ and rescued his comrades against overwhelming forces in the Vietnam War. As for Scott's mission in 2002 when he was a Master Sergeant he had the similar actions like Benavidez who got wounded badly but able to safe some of this buddies.

What do u think? Peteryim (talk) 03:17, December 6, 2018 (UTC)

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Peteryim Peteryim 4 September 2018

Ghosts character details disappeared in Ghost Recon(2001)

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Peteryim Peteryim 19 July 2018

Alicia Diaz weird military rank

Speaking of Alicia Diaz's military rank, it makes me scratch my head because she was a staff sergeant in the 2004 Ghost Recon 2(2007 AD), but she was then a sergeant during and after Waziristan rescue mission(2009 AD) inside the 2008 novel. So what rank is she during each game before becoming a CIA Special Activities Division operator and did she got demoted for some reason?!

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Peteryim Peteryim 17 July 2018

Scott Mitchell's new bio in need.

Mr Wilkicki, do u know the height, weight, hair color(in his 30s and 50s) and eye color for Scott Mitchell?

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Peteryim Peteryim 14 July 2018

Update Scott Mitchell's bio

Hi Sam, I am Peter Yim, the one who invite you to read my still in production fanfic on Wattpad! Eventhough u are a long time fan of The Tom Clancy's game seires, do you know how tall, how heavy(kg), hair color and eye color for Scott Mitchell?! Please answer.

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Corellian Premier Corellian Premier 19 June 2016

Biggest news out of E3 2016

Hey folks, a new E3 has come and gone. The biggest news out of there (besides Star Trek VR or Steep) is that Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Wildlands will be out on March 7, 2017. So a bit less than one year out.

Also, they previewed some of the story against the Santa Blanca drug cartel, and there are four new Ghosts: Midas, Holt, Nomad, and Weaver. Character creation will be in play though.

That's it! Keep checking in to see all the latest news.

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Knakveey Knakveey 26 August 2015

Come Play at PAX

For you social butterflies, Ubisoft is also hosting a free meet-up for Rainbow Six Siege fans Sunday from 6-8pm at Elephant and Castle. Join them for fun and maybe even some free stuff!

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Corellian Premier Corellian Premier 9 July 2015

Win a Rainbow Six Siege Beta key

Hey folks,

Wikia has a few Beta keys to giveaway. More details forthcoming, so watch here!

Corellian PremierThe Force will be with you always 16:55, July 9, 2015 (UTC)

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Corellian Premier Corellian Premier 17 June 2015

Exciting news from E3 2015

After three years in development, Ubisoft has announced the next console Ghost Recon game: Ghost Recon Wildlands. This will be in open-world game set in Bolivia against a dangerous drug cartel. Check out the official Ghost Recon site for the most up-to-date information! Corellian PremierThe Force will be with you always 20:09, June 17, 2015 (UTC)

Be sure to also check out the reveal trailer:

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Corellian Premier Corellian Premier 16 June 2015

Exciting E3 2015 news

After three years in development, Ubisoft has announced the next console Ghost Recon game: Ghost Recon Wildlands. This will be in open-world game set in Bolivia against a dangerous drug cartel. Check out the official Ghost Recon site for the most up-to-date information!

Corellian PremierThe Force will be with you always 00:16, June 16, 2015 (UTC)

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Corellian Premier Corellian Premier 23 April 2015

Ghost Recon Phantoms turns One

Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Phantoms is celebrating its first anniversary, and the game is celebrating with new content, new modes, and a new upgrade. Hop into it and check it out!

Also, the devs are hosting a contest for players to submit gameplay videos. Check out the update here:

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Corellian Premier Corellian Premier 23 February 2015

Newest Ghost Recon content

Check out this blog for the latest news about Ghost Recon content.

Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Phantoms is a multiplayer, free-to-play, class-based third-person shooter currently available on the PC and on Steam. Developed by Ubisoft Singapore, the game was launched April 10th, 2014. During its beta development phase the game was titled Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Online and takes

Being a free-to-play game, Ghost Recon Phantoms allows players to spend real-world currency on weapons, gear, abilities, and aesthetic elements.

It also has its own webcomic.

Ubisoft is developing a film based on the series. It is in development, having hired two writers.

Stay tuned for more information.

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Corellian Premier Corellian Premier 23 February 2015

Helpful advice

Attention Ghosts!

If you're looking for information on how to get started, check out and the page layout guide.

If you're using the Wikia skin, simply click "Contribute" in the top right.

If you're looking for something to do, check out Special:Wantedpages, pick a topic, and go! We welcome all contributions. Our coverage of Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Phantoms could use some work.

Move out!

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Echofives1234 Echofives1234 17 July 2012

Game of Month

I was reading Military Heritage a Military Magizne and it said Ghost Recon Future Soldier is game of the month.

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Wagnike2 Wagnike2 15 June 2012

Ghost Recon: Future Soldier Review Roundup

With the release of Ghost Recon: Future Soldier today, the critics have voiced their opinions, and the consensus is positive! The game currently has a Metacritic score of 80.

Here are a few snippets from publications on both the Internet and print. Make sure to voice your opinions on the matter below!

  • 1 Loved It
  • 2 Thought it was Okay
  • 3 Hated It
  • 4 Wikian Reviews

Game Revolution
Score: 4.5/5
"And oh, what a beautiful box of toys you have to play with. Sensors marks enemies in the immediate vicinity. Grenades and flashbangs operate with devastating effect. The UAV is a quad-copter you can park above a group of enemies before going back to your rifle to keep tabs on hostile positions. The UAV is also a valuable tool in marking opponents for sync shots whil…

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Soldierscuzzy Soldierscuzzy 22 May 2012

Ghost Recon Showdown

With Ghost Recon: Future Soldier coming out soon, we thought it would be cool to see how far the series has come since the original Ghost Recon installment. There are going to be a lot more differences than these, so be sure to read up on both of these games more, and the rest of the series, over at the Ghost Recon Wiki.

  • 1 Gameplay
  • 2 Weapons
  • 3 Enemies
  • 4 The rest of the games

The original Ghost Recon was a first-person shooter, whereas Ghost Recon: Future Soldier is a third-person shooter. Future Soldier will also be a cover-based shooter. The original Ghost Recon would also award points after each completed mission to upgrade your soldiers in your team.

Instead of upgrading soldiers in Future Soldier, the game is going with an option to mark target…

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Soldierscuzzy Soldierscuzzy 11 January 2012

Ghost Recon Future Soldier Will Release in May

Big news from Ubisoft as IGN reports that the newest installment in the Ghost Recon franchise, Ghost Recon: Future Soldier, will be hitting the shelves this May 22nd in America and May 24th in Europe. Not only that, but the multiplayer beta for PS3 and Xbox 360 will begin in April. The reason for the delay, says IP development director at Ubisoft Adrian Lacey, is to ensure that all components of the game are "pushed to the highest level." The components that Lacey mentions are a single-player campaign, a four-player co-op campaign, and a multi-player component.

Are you excited that Future Soldier finally has a release date? Do you think the extra time spent will make the game that much more awesome? Let us know!

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Flamesword300 Flamesword300 12 June 2011

ghost recon future soldier weaponsmith

ok at e3 they said over 3,000,000 weapons can be made so i was just curious to know how many unique weapons can you make? i mean as you use a part and never use it again how many guns could you make? because over 3 million means probably a change in a single part. and is there any new/leaked informationon what you start with in the weaponsmith mode?

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