Boris Govoretski, codename: Cyclops is the Stealth technology Specialist of Raven's Rock.
Born in Blagoveschensk, on the Chinese border, Boris Govoretski traces his lineage back to the Amur Cossack Host. A former Bodark communications Sergeant, he operated deep behind the lines in Chechnya and the Middle East, specializing in long-range target detection and identification.
Gotoretski is a master of camouflage and counter-detection, and defeating U.S. based radar and surveillance systems is a challenge he will commit to with heart and soul. He is a devout believer in the Russian State, feeling the current administration is too lax on geo-political issues. He sees Raven's Rock as the path to the true Russian superiority on the world stage.
His primary assault rifle is the TAVOR, which has the same attachments as other Wolf riflemen.