Ghost Recon Wiki

Claro Gentile was a combat engineer in the Marine Corps before separating from the military out of frustration. He was tired of fighting for a machine that showed him no real change. It was on deployment where he met Cole D. Walker, who was impressed with his skill with demolitions and drone technology. Walker offered Gentile what he desperately wanted to see: real change in the world. He was recruited into Ghost Recon and later joined Walker in forming the Wolves where he worked closely with Flycatcher, revering the younger soldier as a mentor for his expertise. A born tactician, Gentile creates devastating, overlapping drone attack patterns that have won him favor in Stone's eyes.


During his final encounter in-game, Harpy is a Wolf Rifleman armed with a TAVOR assault rifle.


  • His skin is selectable by the player after completing his elimination mission.

