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Clear Sky is an event mission belonging to the Terminator live event in Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Breakpoint.


The anti-Terminator weapon is taking shape but there are more Terminators on the island than there should be. Rasa wants to know why. The future of Auroa and the whole world could be in danger.
  1. Go to Erewhon and talk to Rasa Aldwin. She is in a treehouse next to Sgt. Brown's shop. She tells that she has upgraded the Terminator killer's software and gives Nomad a tracer which can track the Terminators' electro-magnetic frequency resonated from their chips.
  2. Head to an antenna at Stag Ridge and hack it. You will receive the location of a suspicious location by the Old Distillery Lake in Smuggler Coves. Head over there to investigate further.
  3. You will find the facility to be under attack by numerous Terminators and producing countless endoskeletons of the T-800 Terminators. Head through a door at a small structure on the lake's side of the road and go downstairs.
  4. Once you go downstrairs, you will find a massive door to be locked. Interact with an interface to find the floor plan of the facility. Then, destroy the facility's cooling system upstairs. It co Watch out for any Terminators patrolling the exterior. Once the system has been taken care of, head back to the airlock. The door now opens.
  5. You will find two sets of long stairs heading deep underground. After the stairs, you will find a large factory. Head to the control room on the other side. Watch out for endoskeleton T-800s guarding the factory, they are however much easier to deal with than the ones with skin.
  6. At the control room, you will find a T-800 sitting on a chair hooked up to the room. You must defeat it in order to bring down the factory. More endoskeletons will join the fight as well, watch out for them as well.
  7. After the Terminator has been killed, take care of the remaining endoskeletons as well. A cutscene will play. Nomad drags the Terminator to a factory machine. It says "I'll be back". Nomad says "I'll be waiting" and activates the machine, ending the Terminator.
  8. The factory goes into a meltdown status and you have approximately 3 minutes to escape it. Watch out for endoskeleton T-800s activating all around you.
  9. After making back to the airlock, you must interface with the console to close the door, trapping the remaining Terminators in the factory as it explodes. "Terminated, fuckers", says Nomad.
  10. Head back to Erewhon and talk to Rasa. Nomad tells that the tracer signaled to a Terminator factory and that he destroyed it and the mission's over. Rasa sits down and explains she should be dead and how she used to imagine about a place like Erewhon. Nomad tells her that there are better places than it, but she thinks that it's a paradise in comparison to where she came from. Nomad tells she can live there from now on.


