Ghost Recon Wiki

As part of Operation Motherland, the Conquest gamemode transforms the Auroa archipelago into sets of different regions, which comprise of multiple provinces from the main story.



The story is set 3 months after the events of Operation Greenstone. Auroa has been blockaded by major superpowers of the world seeking the technological fortunes left behind on the archipelago. CIA has tasked the Ghosts led by Nomad once again to help Outcasts win back the archipelago so that they can establish a legitimate government recognized by the world. Unbeknownst to Nomad, the rogue Russian special forces group Bodark, previously responsible for the attempted coup d'état in Russia a year prior, has partnered with the remains of Sentinel and Wolves and taken hold of the archipelago. The Ghosts have to liberate each province to eradicate the enemy presence and free Auroa once and for all.


The player has the option to opt in to the Conquest mode at any time from the map screen. The player views an introduction on the story so far by Karen Bowman and starts from the Windy Islands. The mode follows the typical mission playstyle similar to the main campaign, except each province has to be "liberated" by completing a set of missions, that wary with the objectives. For completing specific provinces, the player progresses towards unlocking an elimination mission of one of the bosses of the mode. The progress can be viewed from the Conquest mode's map screen. Once the main island has been fully liberated, the player can head to Golem Island and take out the final leader of the Bodarks.

The player can unlock the optical camouflage only via playing the Conquest mode. The equipment can be unlocked by completing one of the missions in the formerly called Liberty province now designated UC.Sparkle. After the equipment has been gained, it can be activated with the press of a button at the player's will, as opposed to it automatically activating when crouching or going in prone like in the previous games. With the use of supply caches scattered around the archipelago, the player can improve the optical camouflage from the gear menu.



Windy Islands and Liberty[]


New Stirling, Infinity and Egg Island[]


Seal Islands and Channels[]


Restricted Area 01[]


Lake Country and New Argyll[]


Good Hope Mountain and Silent Mountain[]


Whalers Bay and Wild Coast[]


Mount Hodgson and Smuggler Coves[]


Fen Bog and Sinking Country[]


Cape North and Driftwood Islets[]


Golem Island[]

