CROSS-COM is a device used by the members of Ghost Recon units. The CROSS-COM System is a completely wireless wearable computer system with a hands-free Head Up Display (HUD) that overlays information onto the soldier's vision, enabling soldiers to perform in the field faster and more effectively. It allows the soldier to remain fully aware of what is happening around them while receiving information from satellites, other forces and even unmanned support drones.
Its function is to identify enemy soldiers and vehicles, connect with other electronic devices that have video camera, show maps, communicate with other Ghost operators, and others functions that will help with the information of the battlegrounds.
It is based on similar systems used by fighter jet pilots enabling them to receive positional data, charts and information while carrying precise manoeuvres.
CROSS-COM creates an image by using a beam of light which optically guides an image directly to the user's eye. The specially-coated ocular piece is optimized to allow the image to be reflected into the user's eye, while simultaneously allowing the user to continue to see the outside world unhindered. The result is a crystal clear image combining image data and the real world.
The ability to see the superimposed data and see the real world at the same time allows the soldier to be hands-free while on the battlefield, receiving the information they need with complete situational awareness. It means instead of looking at a map or a computer screen, the soldier can still fire on enemy targets, analyse positions and stay under cover, not to mention receive valuable intel.
As Ghost Leads, they’re in control of a variety of military support elements, all accessible through the CROSS-COM. This communications system links them to their team and all surrounding elements. Targeting information is shared instantaneously among all connected elements in the form of intels - red diamond icons that appear on their HUD and tactical map. Each unit in the CROSS-COM network is informed of all known intels, whether individual line of sight is established or not. This powerful system is extremely useful, especially when its capabilities are fully exploited.
The CROSS-COM 1.0 prototype is part of the Infantry Warrior System (IWS). Not yet available to the United States Army, it is a field-tested beta early version during a rescue mission in Afghanistan by Captain Scott Mitchell, Staff Sergeant Joe Ramirez, Sergeant Alicia Diaz and Sergeant Marcus Brown in January 2009.
It is attached to a earpiece with an integrated camera and a microphone. There is a monocle that curved forward and glows with screens displaying an uplink and downlink channels, thermal infrared imager, icons representing any support elements, and the weapon targeting reticle, among other bits of data. While the three-dimensional (3D) images seems to appear in the HUD, they were actually being produced by a low-intensity laser projecting them through the pupil and onto the retina. The laser scanned vertically and horizontally at high speed using a coherent beam of light, and all data are refreshed every second to continually update the user. In order to accomplish that task, the CROSS-COM connects via satellite to the entire military's local and wide area networks (LAN/WAN) so that in effect the commander in chief can see exactly what the Ghost are doing and speak to the chief directly on the battlefield.
It can send any automatic request from one Ghost to another Ghost's HUD to take out any target. Its sophisticated and fine-tuned Identification, Friend or Foe (IFF) system can identify friendlies (green diamonds) and foes (red diamonds - white for just killed in action) when the specially modified "Green" Force Tracker Chip (GFTC) signal is planted inside each friendly's skin.
It's security measures give the Ghosts the luxury when using their own names over the radio. It can link up intel with the UAV3 Cypher drone. It is equipped with two security systems:
- First, a DNA identifier so that each chip can't be used by enemies and still functional;
- Second, there are rolling encrypted signals to avoid enemy interception. A next level of network-centric warfare.
Another function of the CROSS-COM 1.0, is that it shows the condition of the soldier:
- If the soldier is OK, the condition is green.
- If the soldier is hurt the condition is yellow.
- If the soldier is badly hurt the condition shows the color red.
The CROSS-COM also shows the ammo of the soldier and how many bullets he/she has in his/her current weapon. The ammo is marked in magazines and not number of bullets.
Diaz has the option of aiming via the reticle in her HUD or choosing the traditional method of sighting the target via her SVD's attached scope. Which comes into play thanks for the IWS allowing her to zoom in on any target and actually see the target even behind a door. Captain Mitchell recommended that it would be made available.
In April 2012, Captain Mitchell and his team are equipped with it during Operation War Wraith.
The CROSS-COM 1.0 is again used by Captain Mitchell during the events of Mexican Revolutionary Crisis in 2013. The principal function is to show the location of enemy soldiers and vehicles. This version did not connect with the others Ghosts or show what they are seeing, but connects with the HQ, the intelligence officer in the field and Mitchell's superiors.
The CROSS-COM 2.0 is an upgraded version of the CROSS-COM 1.0 used in 2014.
In this version, the CROSS-COM can connect with the CROSS-COM of the others The Ghosts, showing to Captain Mitchell another perspective of the battlefield.
It is possible to give orders when you are connected with the other Ghosts or vehicles.
Besides the Ghosts, the CROSS-COM can connect with others vehicles like UAVs, Attack Helicopters, Tanks, APCs and M.U.L.E.s. This helps a lot in the battlefield because the UAVs can find the enemies in other regions of the map, behind a wall, inside a building or even in elevated places.
When the CROSS-COM connects with the M.U.L.E., a soldier has total control of the vehicle, and is able to find good spots to hide the vehicle or resupply.
Connecting the CROSS-COM into APC's, Tanks and Attack Helicopters allows a strategic command to advance or shoot the enemy.
The CROSS-COM 3.0 appeared in Ghost Recon Future Soldier. It was connected with Sensor grenades, UAV Drones, Magnetic Vision and displayed the targets that was scanned and viewed respectively. It also gave intel on the kind of weaponry used by the enemy. It can also sync with exacto ammo helping in targeting. It also allowed to display the field of vision of the Warhound when in use.
The CROSS-COM is displayed on the glasses of the Ghost member therefore making a HUD. The CROSS-COM was capable of being subverted or affected by EMP grenades.
A new component of CROSS-COM - A.T.L.A.S., allows the display of real-time intel, providing live updates on battlefield situations as they evolve. Weapon Augmented Reality (W.A.R.) is a component of A.T.L.A.S., for use at the individual soldier level. It allows the Ghosts’ CROSS-COM monocles to receive synchronized information instantly from any weapon or other piece of equipment they use. This includes things like weapon status information (ammo counts, etc) as well as targeting data. This information is cross-referenced with the information from team members, and information from others’ W.A.R. systems can appear in a user’s CROSS-COM when needed. With this power in their hands, the Ghosts can perform deadly synchronized shots.
General Pettis sent data to Dalton Hibbard and Joe Booth's CROSS-COMs during the Ultranationalist conflict in Moscow.
- Usage example: When connected with a Ghost you can give him a order to "go to", attack or regroup.
- It is currently unknown whether this version of the Cross Coms appeared in Operation Kingslayer at Bolivia but the version used by Kingslayer Team was synced with Binoculars, UAV Drone, weapon sights/scopes and friendly Ghost members. The targets detected by these was shown on HUD. So the Cross Com might be a 2.5 version between 2.0 & 3.0.
- It is unknown if the suriving Ghosts during Operation Greenstone on Auroa have Cross Coms or not. Yet the Ghosts' somehow have similar abilities and tech compare to the previous Ghosts in Bolivia.
- Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon novel
- Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter (First appearance)
- Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter 2
- Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Combat Ops
- Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Predator
- Ghost Recon: ALPHA
- Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Future Soldier
- Ghost Recon Commander
- Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Choke Point
- Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Wii
- Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Phantoms
- Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Wildlands
- Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Breakpoint