“ A perfect tool for compensating in other areas. - In-game description”
The Desert Tech HTI BDC is a unique variant of the HTI anti-materiel rifle. It is pre-equipped with a T5Xi Tactical sniper scope, Long Barrel, and a unique desert-oriented hexagon camoflage. Just like its stock counterpart, the HTI BDC posesses one of the highest, if not the highest, damage per shot of all small arms in the game, aside from underbarrel grenade launchers, thanks to its seemingly explosive rounds. With just one shot, the player can take care of most vehicles in the game bar some of the heaviest armored vehicles such as the Armored Van or APC. Helicopters can also be swiftly dealt with by a single direct hit. Along with its extreme damage, one can expect the almost-same performance compared to its stock counterpart, bar the downsides of not having any muzzle devices equipped. It is unlocked once the player has reached Tier 40 in Tier One mode, making this weapon one of the most valuable in the player's arsenal due to its destructive capabilities as well as the easy unlock requirement of the weapon.
- The "BDC" part of the weapon's name possibly stands for "bullet drop compensation", considering the role of the weapon.