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Eagles Down is the introduction and the first main mission in Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Breakpoint.


The Auroa archipelago has gone silent. Ghosts have been sent to investigate, but their choppers crashed. The crash sites must be investigated to find survivors and rally the troops.

Note: You cannot replay this mission after it has been completed on the same save. The only way to do so is to start a new save. You can head back to the Cold War Airship Air Station at any time, where the mission took place.

Edit: As of the Operation Motherland update, Eagles Down can now be replayed on an old save. You will be able to use bivouacs, teleport to Erewhon at any time, which skips the mission to when you meet the Schulzs and be able to use even lvl250 equipment. However, there is no intro cutscene, a cutscene when you first enter Erewhon and the time will be set during the day.


1. Upon starting the game, you will be presented by an introduction presentation on the Auroa archipelago by Jace Skell. The video suddenly gets cut off by ominous footage of a laboratory building sinister drones. A title screen states that the USS Seay was sunk near Auroa and the CIA has launched "Operation Greenstone" by sending contingent of 32 Ghost Recon operators to investigate under the command of the Ghost, call signed "Nomad", you.

The Ghosts arrive to Auroa by their Gyps helicopters. Everything is going normal, until the helicopters suddenly get attacked and crash.

2. Nomad wakes up hung upsidedown from a tree branch and watches as one of his helicopters crash nearby by something. Nomad falls down from the tree to the mud next to a dead Ghost, picks up a pistol and heads to the other crash sites.

3. Avoiding hostile soldiers executing stragglers, Nomad starts looking for smoke clouds from the crashes, only top finds more fallen Ghosts. Going through a Cold War era base, he eventually comes across a cliffside with Weaver and a bunch of survivors grouped next to a crashed chopper.

4. Weaver tries to make contact with Stormcloud, when they suddenly get ambushed by an unknown enemy. After a brief firefight, the soldiers cease firing. Suddenly, Cole D. Walker walks up behind Weaver and says "Sorry, Weaver.", before executing him with his revolver with Nomad bearing witness.

5. Walker departs with his helicopter and Nomad in disbelief reproaches Walker's actions then heads to the final burning helicopter crash site.

5. Though shocked by Walker's actions, Nomad acts quickly and fires upon Walker before he can reach the safety of his helicopter, killing his old friend and avenging his fallen comrades. Nomad then heads to the final burning helicopter crash site.

6. Upon reaching the third crash site, Nomad finally finds a working radio and makes contact with a woman, who tells she got the radio from a Ghost, who turns out to be Holt. The woman says Holt is getting medical treatment and tells Nomad to follow a trail behind ancient ruins leading to a destination in the nearby mountains with a pair of waterfalls.

7. Head to the nearby Ancient Ruins and follow a road leading to waterfalls. Go through an underpass and go right, and you will find a narrow passage into the mountain covered by camouflage netting. Two armed civilians point at Nomad with a flashlight and introduce him to the mountain called Erewhon.

8. Head further into the cavern until you come across two surviving Ghosts. They explain they came across hostile troops called "Wolves". You are then introduced to Mads Schulz, who explains what is happening on the island. He explains Sentinel, a private military corporation, put the archipelago under martial law and holds the citizens as hostages. The woman introduced as Maria Schultz, Mads' wife, asks Nomad to go talk to the wounded soldier.

9. Talk to Holt at Erewhon's infirmary. Holt gives Nomad his scout drone. Nomad tells that he can't find Midas, but he watched Weaver die. He says he'll talk to Mads and asks for a boat to call for aid from the Wasp. The mission ends.

A Private Military Contract firm has taken over Auroa. Cole D. Walker was waiting for the Ghosts and executed his former brothers-in-arms in cold blood. Ghost command must be apprised of the situation.

Related achievements-trophies[]

Icon Name Description Gamer Score Trophy
A safe haven A safe haven Reach the end of Act 1. 15 Bronze



  • The player can kill Walker after he executes Weaver and is walking toward his Gyps. The mission Brother Vs Brother will be completed and the game plays following that as if the player has completed that mission.
    • As the mission is now replayable in an old save where the player has access to the rocket launcher, the Gyps helicopter can be destroyed without killing Walker. Walker simply steps out of the exploded helicopter and stands by the ruined chopper's cockpit door. Walker will kill the player instantly with his Sharp Thunder revolver if he spots the player and they are in range, just like during Brother Vs Brother.
    • Walker cannot be grabbed and there are also no interaction prompts when going near him. However, you will be able to execute Walker with a knife takedown even though there's no visible prompt. Walker's body cannot be picked up like a normal corpse.
    • His revolver will also disappear after he dies and his hands will glitch into a default pose.
    • If attempting to kill Walker, either Walker must be shot or his helicopter destroyed before the animation of Walker climbing into the helicopter is triggered because both Walker and the helicopter will become invincible after the animation begins. To achieve this, the player must fire immediately after the cut-scene ends, before Nomad finishes commenting on Walker.
    • When playing through this mission in a new game while playing with the Deep State or Red Patriot DLCs, the player can unlock the rocket launcher almost immediately for use in destroying Walker's Gyps by killing a handful of enemies in the starting area in order to level up, then selecting one of the DLC classes for free which will allow for the rocket launcher to be unlocked using the initial skill points that the player is front loaded with.
  • During the NDA restricted technical tests, a patrol of Sentinel troops would come to investigate Nomad's chopper crash site, which forced the player to seek cover quickly. Any enemies encountered in this mission will be found later on in the final product.
  • Weaver is nowhere to be found on the ground after the cutscene where Walker kills him. The bodies do not match the Ghosts killed during the same scene either.




Ghost Recon Breakpoint - Kill Lieutenant Colonel Walker With A Knife In The First Mission

Kill Walker with a knife in the first mission
