Enemy Within is a main mission of Episode 2 in Ghost Recon Breakpoint DLC Deep State.
“ A four-star general named Reggie "Marvelous" Paxton may have a connection with the Strategist. It may be worthwhile to interrogate him. ”
1. Head to General Paxton's house located at the Ayn Rand Residences in Liberty. The neighbourhood is patrolled by Sentinel, but you don't have to take out anyone. Inside the house, you will find a woman and a man cooking. Nomad asks about the location of Paxton. Nomad is told that he usually hides in his secret fishing spot, where he never catches any fish. The man allows Nomad to search Paxton's room for clues.
2. At Paxton's desk, you will find a photograph of cliffs by the sea with text written on it saying "MEET ME THERE, L.F", with Seal Islands on the other side. There is another photo of Paxton fishing by the sea, which looks to be shot in front of the same cliffs seen in the previous photograph. "Definetly something fishy here." You can take a Leeway parked at the nearby grassland near the beach by the residential area to the fishing spot.
3. The cliffs are located at the southern coast of the Hunter Island in the Seal Islands province, south of the Albatross Peak. There are two boats parked in front of an overgrown cave entrance, they will let you know you have reached the right location.
4. Inside the cave you will find old barrels, whale bones and boxes belonging to Skell Technology. A hallway leads deeper into the cavern, with an artificial compound inside. The cavern is occupied by Sentinel. Eliminate the hostiles and move until you come across a locked door with an open air duct. Climb to the air duct and go to the other side of the doors.
5. Inside, you will a control room with Skell technicians and a single hostile. Eliminate the hostile and move further into the lab.
6. The lab consists of various chambers for stress testing different drones under certain enviromental hazards. Between them are laser trip wires, which will alert hostile forces to your location if activated. The lab has been locked down, so you are unable to pass into the General's office before disabling all of the test chambers.
7. Deactive 4 test chambers to bypass the lockdown. Then you can enter Paxton's office. Nomad catches General Paxton consipiring with the Strategist. Paxton defends himself saying that he did it for his country. Nomad dismisses him and steals a USB stick connected to the General's laptop and threatens him to quit before leaving.
8. The whole laboratory gets alerted and you have to fight Sentinel troops and an Aamon drone evacuated from one of the chambers while escaping the facility. After making your way out, the mission ends.
“ The Strategist has partnered with General Reggie Paxton to acquire military secrets for his CLAW project. ”
- 900 XP
- 500 Skell Credits