Ghost Recon Wiki

Erewhon is a cave that is the home of the Homesteaders in Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Breakpoint.

Mads Schulz saw the potential of his lush, expansive cavern the movement he discovered. Ruins of a meeting ground once sacred to the Ancients and illuminated by a natural well, it could easily be turned into an invisible and impregnable fortress. In less than a year, the Homesteaders had built and arranged their newfound shelter, which they named Erewhon. When Sentinel took over the archipelago, Schulz and his people hastily left their homesteads in the region to hide within.

The Homesteaders take in people wanting to escape Trey Stone's terrifying martial rule and give them shelter inside Erewhon. Fearing the loss of personnel key to his lethal drone project, Stone sends soldiers to eradicate them. Sentinel is on the hunt for the Homesteaders, but has yet to locate their hideout, as Erewhon's naturally thick walls combined with sensor-jamming netting keeps it hidden from drone surveillance.

Homesteaders oppose humanity's dependence on industrialization, and they prefer to live in the natural world. Their goal is to exist independent from tech, and the rugged, wholesome lifestyle they've adopted is reflected in Erewhon's architectural style.

In Conquest mode 3 months since the events of the main campaign, Erewhon has been locked out by Homesteaders. Upon trying to enter the base, Bowman contacts Nomad and explains that they wanted nothing to do with the conflict going outside since Nomad's departure from the archipelago. A message logs from Mads Schultz tells that he was disappointed with Nomad leaving the population to fend for themselves.

Places of interest[]


  • The name Erewhon is a reference to Samuel Butler's novel of the same name, which depicted a dystopic world called Erewhon ruled under self-learning machines, similar to Auroa under Skell Technology's rule.


