Ghost Recon Wiki
Ghost Recon Wiki
2,445 articles created since June 16, 2007
Welcome Ghost! The Ghost Recon Wiki is a collaborative encyclopedia dedicated to the Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon media franchise. Read through our comprehensive database for everything from the original Ghost Recon to Ghost Recon Breakpoint. You'll find information about the different Ghost Recon games, novels, movies, missions, characters, weapons, maps and more on this wiki. We encourage new users to join the wiki to read, contribute, and edit!

Ghost Recon Breakpoint

Breakpoint DLC Nav

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Ghost Recon

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Wolves teaser image
Ghost Recon Breakpoint is the newest entry in the Ghost Recon series that was released on October 4th, 2019 for PC, PS4 and Xbox One. In Breakpoint, the Ghosts will fight their toughest enemy yet, the rogue group of Ghost agents led by Cole D. Walker known as the Wolves. The Ghosts will travel to the Auroa Archipelago, where the Wolves have taken over the headquarters of Skell Technology and now control powerful AI and an army of autonomous drones. Read more...

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