Ghost Recon Wiki

Overview Wildlands Breakpoint
A long-range rifle in a compact package.
- In-Game Description

The base game's original .50 caliber sniper rifle, the Desert Tech HTI can be unlocked from a weapon crate from a base in the Montuyoc region. A variant called the Desert Tech HTI "BDC" was added with the Tier 1 update and is unlocked by reaching Tier 40 in Tier 1 mode. It has significantly more damage than the standard HTI, it comes with a unique hexagon camo and detachable suppressor.

The HTI is the most powerful firearm in the game, capable of destroying a helicopter with a single, direct hit (while other bolt-action rifles destroy helicopters after 2 hits).

It also has a unique variant called the Desert Tech HTI BDC.



Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Wildlands Weapons
Assault rifles P416416SR3M556xiAK-12AK-47AK-74AUG A3805 Bren A2G2L85A2R5 RGP
Light machine guns MG121Stoner LMG A1MK-48Mk249M60E4Type 956P41
Submachine guns MP5MP7MPXP90UMP45SMG-11PP19SR-6359mm C19x19VSNPSG
SkorpionScorpion EVO 3Vector .45 ACPPDRHoney Badger
Sniper rifles M40A5M1891SR25Dragunov (SVD)G28SRSA1HTITAC-50
Shotguns Super ShortySASG-12SPAS-12ACS-12M4 Super 90Model 1887RevSG-12
Handguns P45T5.7 USGM1911P12P227M9D-50
Unique Weapons

Assault Rifles
SIG556 LlamaSIG556 DragonEl CommandanteACR Baby VintageGRFS ACRAK-12 GR Network
AK-12 VictoryRitmoAK-47 'Undercover'AK-47 UprisingCarnageHer AK-47His AK-47G2 70s
L85A2 CrocodileLVOA-C DivisionLVOA-C Bad NewsM4A1 CommandoM4A1 Explorer
M4A1 Golden SafariM4A1 TacticalM4A1 TempleMK17 NerdMK 17 Tiger FangP416 Savior
TAR-21 PredatorExtranjeros MDRExtranjeros R4R5 Skull and Drones

Submachine Guns
9mmC1 BlazeExperimento 429x19 VSN Replicant¡UY!MP5 Dragons Breath
Eagle StareMP7 CartelMPX TravelerP90 DoorkickerP90 GloryP90 MirmilloPP19 Executioner
ResiduosSR-635 JawScorpion EVO 3 R6MendeleyevVector Spectra
Vector .45 ACP VenomSanta Blanca SkorpionSkorpion SkullSMG 11 Dragon

Light Machine Guns
6P41 ReaperEl BastónMK 48 WastelandLlamativoDollar SignStoner Veteran
DragonbreathUnidad RPK-74Veteran Bren

Sniper Rifles
Lanza SagradaDesert Tech HTI BDCThe WarhawkChica MalaM40A5 Golden SunMSR Thermite
SR-25 LiberatorSR-25 MachinerySRSA1 Black WidowStampedeDragunov SVD Guerilla

El CuentistaWildernessEl Obsequio¡SILENCIO!Ice ShardSASG-12 Frontier

.357 JokerLady KillerFive Seven BlacklistLa NovenaLugerEl GeneralThe BFFWhisper
P227 UrbanM1911 GoldenM1911 MARSOCUS DesertLuisonPeacemakerJackdaw Pistol
