Ghost Recon Wiki
We used to work with this bad-ass, blonde-haired bitch from South Africa. She loved torture. Took pleasure out of it. But let me tell you something, she got answers.
Now that was a confession you could count on.
- Walker and Hill describing their time working with Herzog in the RET teams.

Ilsa Herzog is a character in Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Breakpoint.


The youngest of five children born to Johannesburg socialites, Ilsa Herzog was destined to be the unheard voice. Her older siblings were identified from early age as exceptional in a variety of fields, leaving young Ilsa to fend for herself. Small in stature and slower to develop than the rest of her family, she retreated inward to a world of books and fantasy to find sympathetic ears. Feeling largely ignored, she began to develop an uncanny ability to read peoples behaviors, and imagined a career in psychology. University solidified her desire to understand the human condition, but a series of poor investments by her father left the family destitute, and shrouded in scandal. Herzog was forced to join the military to earn money to continue her studies. It was during her time serving as an Intelligence Analyst that her skills at manipulation and information extraction were first noticed.

Professional Career[]

Herzog distinguished herself as an unmovable interrogator while assigned to the Defense Intelligence Division of the South African National Defense Force. She quickly won accolades from her superiors for her ability to break down the toughest prisoners. Over time, her methods became more erratic and savage, and a series of investigations forced her out of the Military. The nature of her separation was concealed by a supervisor who felt she had a natural gift, and she was offered a position at the famed Ebongweni Correctional Centre, where she continued to hone her craft. It was during her time as a Chief Interrogator there that she first crossed paths with Cole D. Walker, who was conducting a joint training exercise in detainee operations with the Recces, South Africa's premiere Special Operations unit. Following their initial meeting, Walker often called on her expertise in interrogation while on RET Team missions.


Herzog is deeply feared throughout the island. Mostly the stuff of legends, any citizen on Auroa could tell you about Ilsa Herzog. It is said that anyone being sent to see her does not return.


Generally one to keep to herself, Herzog has developed a connection with Rosebud, one of Walker's alpha Wolves. She is loyal to Ian Blake, and believes wholly in the vision of World 2.0.

Operation Greenstone[]

Move it! And quit your caterwauling. I won't have any of my "quests" crying like a virgin on prom night! Let's go!
Don't you glare at me, you son-of-a-bitch.
- Ilza Herzog rounding up captives.

Ilsa Herzog began torturing Skell Technology employees in order for them to stay in line, and just to see where their breaking points were. She quickly traumatized several employees to the point where one of them allied with Nomad in order to kill her.

After Nomad frees several of her prisoners she began to hunt them down. Herzog in an attack helicopter then cornered the Ghost and her former prisoners. A battle ensued where she was killed by Nomad.

Breakpoint Missions[]


  • According to a coded message kept by Ian Blake, Herzog may have had some kind of a traumatic brain injury in the past.


