Ghost Recon Wiki

Sets fire to an area, injuring any who attempt to pass through.
- In-game description

The Incendiary Grenade is a special grenade used to set fire to an area. The fire will burn for a few seconds, causing damage to any enemies near it.

Incendiary grenades are useful during a variety of offensive and defensive situations where you want to limit enemy movement. During firefights, consider deploying these on your flanks to prevent enemy troops from flanking your team. These grenades are also very effective against enemies equipped with ballistic shields. Simply toss a grenade in their path and watch them burn as they step into the fire.


The thermite payload of incendiary deployables creates an area of effect that is deadly to any hostiles attempting to pass through. Best used in choke points to deny access to areas beyond, these grenades will set anyone foolish enough to get close ablaze, allowing for damage over time. The enemy might make it past a burning Incendiary Grenade, but they won't make it far before succumbing to the intense heat unless they can drop, and roll quickly.


Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Future Soldier Weapons
Assault Rifles 417A-91ACRAK-200AN94TAR-21

DLC: AK-47F2000MK14S805

Light Machine Guns LSATMK 48PKPStoner 96Type 95Ultimax MK.5


Submachine Guns MP7P90PP19PP2000SkorpionVector

DLC: Type 05MP9

Personal Defense Rifles AKS-74UGoblinL22A2PDR-CSA58 OSWSR-3M

DLC: Mk17OCP-11


DLC: M40A5MN 91/30

Shotguns M1014M12M590A1MTS-225RMB-93SAIGA 12
Handguns Taurus PT-24/745TGSh-18MP-412OTS-33KADRStun GunBLD-3 Flash Bulb

DLC: Defender5.7 USGWild Boar

Grenade Launchers Mk40GLG106
Gadgets ClaymoreFlashbangFragEMP grenadeDecoyIncendiarySmoke grenadeDemo Charge
Augmented CamoOptic CamoCamera sensorMagnetic SensorStun
Field ComputerJammerSentryMedkitAmmo BoxThermal/Magnetic Visions
Drones UAVWarhound