Innocent Slaughter is a main mission in Episode 1 of Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Breakpoint.
“ Skell suspects the Outcasts are behind the bombing attack. By bringing proof to Paula Madera that implicates her "friends" in the attack, it might convince her to join Skell. ”
1. Follow Jace Skell's lead on that the Outcasts bombed the Skell Foundation Head Office. Go talk to Daigoroh Ito at an Outcast hideout at a Skell Technology location located near the Skell Security campus in the Infinity province.
2. Daigoroh and the Outcasts are in a hurry. Nomad tries to get information on the bombing, but Daigoroh diverts and says that he is very busy with Sentinel going after the Outcasts.
3. Nomad suspects Daigoroh is hiding something. Investigate for evidence at Checkpoint Viper Delta or Viper Golf. You will find Sentinel's mission orders. They attacked a suspected Outcast workshop at the Polaris Residences where they suspected that the Outcasts were producing their explosives. Go there to investigate further.
4. You will find a flaming helicopter near the residences as well as the aftermath of a firefight. Check a laptop from one of the buildings. You will find schematics to Paula Madera's batteries you used to to destroy the Omega R&D Center earlier.
5. Head back to Daigoroh Ito at the hideout. Nomad says that he found Paula Madera's explosive plans at the workshop. Daigoroh once again diverts the conversation to saying that Sentinel have stolen the Outcasts supplies and that they won't survive without them. Nomad agrees to help the Outcasts, but says he'll keep the documents.
6. Steal back the supply truck and bring it back to the hideout. You will find that the truck is full of Madera's explosives enough to blow up the entire island. Head back to Daigoroh to get an answer.
7. Back at the hideout, you will find Daigoroh has gone back to the main Outcast base in the South Cape Station.
8. Nomad asks Haruhi Ito where Haruhi's worm of a brother is. Daigoroh arrives just in time for Nomad to punch him in the gut. Nomad grabs Daigoroh by the neck and asks whetever he tried to kill Nomad with the truck and shows the explosives that Daigoroh supposedly used to bomb 30 people. Haruhi pleads Nomad that she can explain what had happened.
9. In a flashback, Haruhi and Daigoroh are at the Skell Foundation Head Office ready to hit the detonator of the bombs hidden in the seemingly empty building. The two take cover and are unaware that a light had just turned on with people celebrating inside. Daigoroh hesitates, but Haruhi forces them to push the detonator, exploding the building. The two look in horror as people run outside in flames and escape as the office building collapses.
10. Haruhi recollects that the building was supposed to be empty and that the two received bad intel. Nomad asks if Madera gave the explosives to the Outcasts, but Haruhi says that Daigoroh converted Madera's energy cells into thermal explosives and kept it hidden from Paula. Nomad tells them that he will update on Madera what the two had done. Haruhi asks forgiveness from Paula.
11. Head back to Paula Madera at the Outcast camp medical center. Madera wants to be left alone. Nomad tells her that Haruhi and Daigoroh bombed the head office. Madera says that she had heard rumors of it but didn't think they were true and believed that the Outcasts were being set up to be shown as terrorists. Nomad tells that Daigoroh had turned Paula's batteries into a bomb and Sentinel figured out how to do the same. Madera is shocked about the news. Paula asks if Nomad had heard of the phrase "truth will set you free" and now believes it is not true.
12. If you haven't completed Coldish Heart before Innocent Slaughter, Madera wonders if she should've sided with the Project Deus A.I. due to the way they are consistent and how people always let you down. Nomad disagrees and says that one can rely on people more often than one can think before leaving. If you completed Coldish Heart before this mission, Madera agrees to meet Jace Skell after seeing him helping her husband David and being aware of what the Itos' had done.
“ Outcasts are indeed responsible for the bombing attack They used Paula's technology without her consent. They weren't aware of any civilian presence until it was too late. Madera now knows the truth. ”
- 1050 XP
- 1500 Skell Credits