Into The Wolf's Den is a main mission in Episode 1 of Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Breakpoint.
“ The mole's last message might contain some information regarding Walker's operation. Following this trail might shed light on his true purpose on the island. ”
After you have rescued Carl Chisum, Christina Cromwell and Paula Madera and begun the work on the virus against the drone swarm, you may begin Act 4 of the story.
1. Go to Erewhon and talk to Skell. Skell says that Maurice Fox had received a recording from the mole within Sentinel. Play the video on Skell's desk.
2. The mole says that Walker beat and killed several Wolves. The mole doesn't know if they were deserting and says that the survivor knows information about Walker and he was spotted near an ancient harbor.
3. Go to the ancient harbor in the Whalers Bay province next to the Channels province border, by the channel right beside Petrel Island. The Wolf deserter has been cornered by several of his comrades. Kill the Wolves and talk to him.
4. The deserter asks Nomad if he had clashed with Walker and explains that he caught some of the Wolves "breaking the rules" several weeks back.
5. In a flashback, Walker catches the deserter and 3 other Wolves fraternizing with three women in a Wolf outpost. Walker accuses them of being drunk and is upset that one of them let a woman take away their firearm. The deserter tries to ease the situation by saying that they were "just trying to relax". Walker isn't having any of it. One of the Wolves say that the pistol isn't even loaded. Walker demonstrates their foolishness by shooting the pistol right at the Wolf's knee. Walker asks sarcastically if they are up to being Wolves and lays down the gun on the floor to see who is the first to grab it. Walker easily overpowers all of them and kills every single one except the deserter, who escapes.
6. In the present, the deserter says that he had never seen anyone as fast as Walker and that he moved the Wolves elsewhere after that "incident". He gives up the location of the Wolf HQ Shark Base only because he expects his comrades to kill Nomad without them bothering to hunt him down.
7. The Shark Base is located in an old Cold War era US submarine base built within the cliffside of the Hunter Island, by the channel on the eastern side of the island, in the Seal Islands province. The exterior is guarded by a Malphas drone and two sentry turrets and the base itself has numerous Wolves within it.
8. Infiltrate the bunker through the ruined wharf and kill any Wolves that come in your way. Do not destroy the generator as the base is already dimly lit and it makes the Wolves camouflage better in the darkness if you do. The base is a maze and it's best you go through each room carefully.
9. Your main objective lies within the control room just beside the second lit up wharf with a massive submarine (access can be gained through the third floor of the base). Kill any Wolves in the room and check any documents for information about Walker's plan.
10. The documents reveal Walker's plan against the world with the help of something called the "LINCHPIN" program and the submarine is part of it.
11. Once you have gathered the documents, move past a storage room, armory and a shooting range until you come across an armory meant for the submarine's weaponry. You will find within the control room schematics to the submarine and the torpedeos, that show its capablity of launching the Legion drones. Sabotage the remaining torpedeos on the racks on the first floor of the armory so that they cannot be weaponized and move through the big door to the submarine wharf.
12. As you enter the wharf where the submarine is docked, the hangar doors open and the submarine begins to leave. The vehicle is invulnerable to any damage. Exit the base through the smaller door next to the opened up hangar door and report your findings to Skell in Erewhon.
13. Skell is shocked about the revelation and explains that he received a file from Fox about "LINCHPIN". The file contains an analysis on what might happen when certain key-politicians were assassinated or if disasters hit certain areas. Nomad explains that Walker plans to use the submarine to launch the drones. Skell suspected that Walker might have had used the drones within the US, but expected them to be used globally. Skell wants to use the virus against the submarine, but says it is useless unless they can upload it to the drone swarm. Nomad thinks the mole can help them with that, but Skell doesn't know where Fox has disappeared. Skell found a video from the mole and might know his identity.
14. In the video, Trey Stone stops Puri to ask where the Jace Skell has disappeared. Puri is unaware of his location and says that Skell has many friends and hiding places in the wast archipelago. She tries to leave. Stone stops him and asks her if those friends are also hers. Walker is sitting in a room and asks if there is a problem. Trey Stone explains to Walker that Puri wants to find Skell by force by dragging people out of their homes in the middle of the night. Walker isn't satisified and says that Stone's lack of progress is because he lacks eleganse and controls a drone right in his face before stopping it. Walker suggests psychological tactics by winning the "hearts and minds" of the people of Auroa and waiting for Skell's friends to turn him over. Stone congratulates Walker's ingeniousness and leaves, muttering his anger toward Walker as he walks away. After Stone leaves, Walker threatens Puri and asks her to choose between friendship and survival if she tries to cover for Skell in the future.
15. Skell now knows that the mole is Ayana Puri, who tried to be descreet to not blow her cover. Skell regrets not trusting her before and says that she and Fox are close. Fox knew that Skell and Nomad wouldn't trust her, so Fox went looking for her himself. Skell thinks that Fox will get himself killed by going after her at the Skell Invest. Nomad goes after Fox and tells Skell to hurry with the virus. The mission ends.
“ Walker plans to use a submarine to launch drones to destabilize rival nations. Puri, who is the mole, might help stop him, but she is in danger and so is Fox who went after her. ”
- 3200 XP
- 2500 Skell Credits
- The video "Walker Manifesto" plays on the TV screens in the Shark Base during the mission.