Ghost Recon Wiki

Karel Sekulic is a character featured in the Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Breakpoint DLC, Deep State. He has the Bodark tattoo on the back of his neck.


Karel Sekulic had a difficult childhood and struggled with mental illness and was imprisoned for disorderly conduct. Karel served in the Russian Armed Forces and even became a member of Bodark, the Russian equivalent of Ghosts. He left Bodark by becoming a defense contractor. At first he applied to Victor Coste's Paladin Nine soon after he defected. And get this... he got rejected for being 'too laid back". Which he later worked for Sentinel Corp. Lieutenant Colonel Cole D. Walker due to his violent and tactical skills as a young man and subsequently joined the Wolves. Karel became a specialist in Wolf tactics and uses these skills as a Wolf Commander and head of security for the VIP list of Project CLAW.

Operation Greenstone[]

Karel has recently become disillusioned with the Wolves and seeks to defect after witnessing the horrible actions they commit. He has also became romantically involved with Project CLAW VIP, Stephanie Burgess. Karel plans to fake his death but is interrupted by Nomad, which was Sam Fisher telling Nomad where he is. Karel promises to help Nomad in his mission to capture the Strategist in exchange for help in faking his death. Nomad agrees and successfully fakes the death of Karel. Karel meets up with Stephanie and they both give Nomad the information he needs. Karel recommends Nomad keep close to his radio because he believes that they will meet again.


His primary assault rifle is the SIG 553, which has the same attachments as other Sentinel and Outcasts riflemen.

Related Missions[]

