Ghost Recon Wiki
Kingslayer Files
La Cruz Caimanes Libertad Villa Verde Inca Camina Itacua
Barvechos Koani Espiritu Santo Malca Media Luna Mojocoyo Monte Puncu
Montuyoc Ocoro P.N. De Agua Verde Pucara Remanzo San Mateo Tabacal Flor De Oro
Operation: Narco Road Operation: Fallen Lord
Operation: Silent Spade
Operation: Oracle

Kingslayer Files are the collectible intel found across the entire Bolivian map in Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Wildlands. These files contain intel about friendly and hostile people, events, etc., that were in apart of the Kingslayer Operation. They can be found in the form of audio and video logs, along with picture evidence and urban legends.

Every Kingslayer File, along with their details, can be found sorted by province and their Buchons listed below.

El Sueño - Leader

El Sueño El Sueño icon
"El Sueño introduces the Santa Blanca Cartel"
El Sueño: I am not a liar. I have killed thousands. I have fed more drugfiends than the top three pharmaceutical companies combined. I have stolen children from parents, wives from husbands, wiped out entire generations. But lying - that I have never done. The rest are offences against humanity. Lying is an offence against yourself. I am the head of the Santa Blanca organisation, which you call a 'cartel'. I had a dream. I dreamed of a land where we could grown our own coca, produce our own cocaine. Where we could run our business free from interference from the police, the government, the army, the Yanquis.

In my dream, a woman's voice asked me - "Sueño, m'ijo - what if you had your own country?"

Like Moses, I led my people to the promised land, Bolivia. We came here. We bought the coca fields. What we couldn't buy, we took. We bought the police, the military, the judges, the politicians. We were on the verge of becoming the government itself, on the razor's edge from fulfilling my dream... of creating the narco-state. The nation of Santa Blanca.

Karen Bowman Bowman icon
"Karen's briefing to The Ghosts."
Karen Bowman: Last week, a crude explosive detonated outside the US Embassy in La Paz, Bolivia. Two Marine Embassy Guards were injured in the blast. Two days later, a CIA asset in central Bolivia provided us with these images. Our analysts have identified the individual in the photos as DEA Special Agent Ricardo 'Ricky' Sandoval. My friend.

Sandoval has... had spent the last six years investigating the local cocaine industry. Our understanding is that Sandoval was the intended target of the bombing. What the embassy bomb did not accomplish was completed up close and personal. Sandoval was captured, tortured and killed. Then his body was dumped. We have yet to recover it.

Our target, the group responsible for the embassy bombing and the death of Special Agent Sandoval, is the drug trafficking organization commonly known as the Santa Blanca Cartel. Yesterday they were just narcos. Today, they're narco-terrorists.

Initially, the Bolivian government resisted the Mexican cartel. They formed La Unidad, a Bolivian special forces unit. It didn't go as planned. Thousands of bodies later, politicians, police officers and journalists have become an endangered species. The Bolivian government has imploded on itself. With no other options, the new President made a deal with Santa Blanca:

"You stop killing our people, we'll look the other way."

Since then, Santa Blanca has turned Bolivia into the nexus of the South American drug trade. With their friends in Mexico, they also have a clear pipeline to the U.S. and Canada. The only way to stop Santa Blanca for good is to completely dismantle them, piece by piece.

The cartel is organized into four operations:

  • Production
  • Smuggling
  • Security
  • Influence

On top of it all is El jefe de los jefes. Boss of bosses. El Sueño.

