Ghost Recon Wiki
For the other sniper variant of the M107, see its successor, the M82A1
Overview G.R.A.W.

The Barrett M107 Semi-Automatic Long Range Sniper Rifle (LRSR) is a commercial, off-the-shelf, anti-materiel and counter-sniper semi-automatic, direct-line-of-sight .50 caliber rifle. Based on the Marine Corps M82A3 Special Application Scoped Rifle, it greatly exceeds the terminal effect capability of the M24 (7.62mm, bolt-action). It can complete missions that cannot be accomplished with current sniper rifles. It supplements a sniper role by supporting combat operations to discriminatingly and precisely engage high-value targets and provide a counter-sniper capability, especially in military operations in urban terrain engagements, with greater firepower and standoff ranges to improve sniper survivability.

In Ghost Recon

The M107 is only available in Advanced Warfighter Xbox version and PS3 version.

During Operation "Take Down Overlord", Pepper uses it and directly killed the Russian ultranationlist leader Ivan Illitch Kerenski right to the heart at about 3300 yards (3.017 km).

