Ghost Recon Wiki
Overview Ghost Recon Wildlands

An assault rifle used by the U.S. Army.
- In-game Description

The M16 was added to Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Wildlands as apart of the Predator Pack in the in-game store for 2600 credits.

The M16 is visually based the converted AR-15 used by Arnold Schwarzenegger in the 1987 film Predator, but was altered in several ways including a detachable carry handle and Picatinny rail on the receiver for mounting optics, an underbarrel rail for replacing the grenade launcher with a foregrip or rail cover, and rail sections on the sides of the handguard for attaching a laser or rangefinder. Additionally, the barrel model was reused from the M4A1 as evidenced by the presence of the M203 groove ahead of the front sight post.

By default, the M16 equipped with a burst (3 round burst)/automatic trigger mod, although this can be changed via Gunsmith to either the semi/burst or semi/auto trigger options.

Unlike other customizable weapons, the M16 is equipped with an M203 grenade launcher by default even if the player has not acquired the grenade launcher skill. Removing the launcher prior to acquiring the skill will render it unusable until said skill has been acquired, however.

As of December 2020, the Predator Pack was removed from the game due to the licence expiring, rendering M16s unavailable to acquire directly and only obtainable through loot boxes.



Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Wildlands Weapons
Assault rifles P416416SR3M556xiAK-12AK-47AK-74AUG A3805 Bren A2G2L85A2R5 RGP
Light machine guns MG121Stoner LMG A1MK-48Mk249M60E4Type 956P41
Submachine guns MP5MP7MPXP90UMP45SMG-11PP19SR-6359mm C19x19VSNPSG
SkorpionScorpion EVO 3Vector .45 ACPPDRHoney Badger
Sniper rifles M40A5M1891SR25Dragunov (SVD)G28SRSA1HTITAC-50
Shotguns Super ShortySASG-12SPAS-12ACS-12M4 Super 90Model 1887RevSG-12
Handguns P45T5.7 USGM1911P12P227M9D-50
Unique Weapons

Assault Rifles
SIG556 LlamaSIG556 DragonEl CommandanteACR Baby VintageGRFS ACRAK-12 GR Network
AK-12 VictoryRitmoAK-47 'Undercover'AK-47 UprisingCarnageHer AK-47His AK-47G2 70s
L85A2 CrocodileLVOA-C DivisionLVOA-C Bad NewsM4A1 CommandoM4A1 Explorer
M4A1 Golden SafariM4A1 TacticalM4A1 TempleMK17 NerdMK 17 Tiger FangP416 Savior
TAR-21 PredatorExtranjeros MDRExtranjeros R4R5 Skull and Drones

Submachine Guns
9mmC1 BlazeExperimento 429x19 VSN Replicant¡UY!MP5 Dragons Breath
Eagle StareMP7 CartelMPX TravelerP90 DoorkickerP90 GloryP90 MirmilloPP19 Executioner
ResiduosSR-635 JawScorpion EVO 3 R6MendeleyevVector Spectra
Vector .45 ACP VenomSanta Blanca SkorpionSkorpion SkullSMG 11 Dragon

Light Machine Guns
6P41 ReaperEl BastónMK 48 WastelandLlamativoDollar SignStoner Veteran
DragonbreathUnidad RPK-74Veteran Bren

Sniper Rifles
Lanza SagradaDesert Tech HTI BDCThe WarhawkChica MalaM40A5 Golden SunMSR Thermite
SR-25 LiberatorSR-25 MachinerySRSA1 Black WidowStampedeDragunov SVD Guerilla

El CuentistaWildernessEl Obsequio¡SILENCIO!Ice ShardSASG-12 Frontier

.357 JokerLady KillerFive Seven BlacklistLa NovenaLugerEl GeneralThe BFFWhisper
P227 UrbanM1911 GoldenM1911 MARSOCUS DesertLuisonPeacemakerJackdaw Pistol
