“ A Special Forces rifle customized for enhanced shooting. - In-game Description”

The M4A1 Commando is an assault rifle in the Ghost Recon franchise. It is permanently outfitted with an Aimpoint CompM4 sight like the Tactical, as well as a darker paint job, a wrapped handguard, an extended 30 round magazine, a detachable suppressor, and what seems to be a piece of a winter parka on the stock to serve as an improvised cheekpad.
Despite having only a standard barrel, the Commando has higher base damage than the standard M4A1, even if the latter has a long barrel installed, as well as higher base handling and slightly more penetration. It's an excellent stealth weapon for medium to long range combat, while still doing enough damage to remain useful even if detected by enemies.
- De Oppresso Libre is written on the magazine. This Latin phrase is the motto of the United States Army's Special Forces and loosely translates to "To liberate the oppressed".