Ghost Recon Wiki
Ghost Recon Wiki
Overview Ghost Recon Ghost Recon 2 G.R.A.W. Phantoms Wildlands Breakpoint

The MP5A2 is the Recon's default SMG weapon.

It is unremarkable in all regards due to the lack of customization options and poor stats. There are MP5K, MP5A3, and MP5SD versions are still in the game.


Ghost Recon Phantoms Weapons
Handguns TR-1PX4FiveseveNP-45USP45P250RedHawk
Assault rifles M27MK 16SAR-21ACRAR-21F2000AS Val
Light machine guns Mk5MK 46MK 48M96L86MG4MG366P41PKM
Submachine guns MP5A2MP7MP9PP2000PP-19P90OC-14 4A
Shotguns M500PentagunPM5M1014NS2000Model 10aKPS-12SPAS-12M3A1
Sniper rifles M24SR-1SR-25SRSMSRM200SVDVSS-HNemesis 50