Ghost Recon Wiki

Miroslav Semenevitch, codename: Kraken is the Captain of a submarine of Raven's Rock.

Miroslav Semenevitch is a lifetime Russian Navy man, spending his entire career as a submariner. It's unclear how he was initially approached by Raven's Rock, but we do know that he did not join when they first separated from the Russian Federation.

Semenevitch commands a Yasen class SSGN nuclear submarine, which the Russian government claims has been stolen. We believe this sub is how Operation Kingmaker plans to deploy the Gas Drones. We don't know how Bukharov was able to turn Semenevitch, but he has definitely changed his allegiance and has definitively pledged loyalty to Raven's Rock and their agenda. We think it may be some kind of Cold-War nostalgia for a unified and dominant Russia.


His primary weapon is KSG12.

