Ghost Recon Wiki

Operation Ocean Hammer is a mission conducted by Ghost Recon in 2010. It is the fourth operation during the Colombia conflict against the MFLC.


There's no such thing as a simple operation anymore. This next assignment comes to us through the US DEA. They've had a massive uptick in Colombian cocaine coming in through the West Coast, and they have a sneaky suspicion it has something to do with our friends in the MFLC. Before you get your knickers in twist over doing the DEA's work for them, remember, this is how the MFLC is bankrolling itself. If we cut off their drug money, they're going to run out of bullets.

Now, you may be asking yourself where we come in. The answer is simple. We've got good working data back from that beacon you slapped on the chopper in Tatacoa. HQ believes that our man Lever is sitting right on top of that cocaine pipeline, and now he's conveniently showed us where it is. So you get to go in and shut off the flow of narcotics. Find out how they're shipping those drugs out and render it inoperable. While you're at it, make sure you ensure the safety of the civilians in the village Lever's using. We're the good guys here, and that means making sure that the locals don't get caught in the crossfire. Remember, our job is to save these people.

