“ An alert message from an unknown source has been emitted in Caimanes. Need to check the place to understand what's happening. - Mission Description”
Operation: Archangel is a unique mission that is split into two parts, the first is in Caimanes and the second is in Libertad. It is unlocked when the player first enters the province and features operators from another Clancy game, Rainbow Six Siege.
In Caimanes[]
The Kingslayer Team intercepts a distress signal outside the city of Frontera and find a crashed truck surrounded by piles of cash and several dead cartel members. The team reports the massacre to Bowman, who informs them that Rainbow operative Taina "Caveira" Pereira has recently gone AWOL from Rainbow and is suspected of killing several Santa Blanca gang members.
Bowman then introduces the team to fellow Rainbow operative Meghan J. "Valkyrie" Castellano, who requests the team's assistance in locating Caveira. Hoping to stop the rogue operative from potentially starting an international incident, Bowman and the team agree to help bring in Caveira.
The team soon meet Rainbow operative Emmanuelle "Twitch" Pichon, who requests the team bring her to the crash site.
Their investigation leads them to a cartel outpost where they interrogate a Santa Blanca lieutenant, who reveals that Caveira is after someone named Dengoso. Twitch briefly parts ways with before rendezvousing with them at Dengoso's apartment in the hopes of finding any hints as to why Caveira's after him.
In Libertad[]
A message on Dengoso's answering machine reveals that he is Caveira's younger brother João, and an undercover officer for the Federal Police of Brazil. Sent by his superiors to infiltrate Santa Blanca, Dengoso's cover had recently been blown and he is now being held captive by the cartel at a chemical institute.
With Caveira already on her way to Dengoso's location, Twitch and the team catch up to her at the front gates and agree to assist her in rescuing Dengoso from Santa Blanca. The rescue is a success, though tensions rise between Team Rainbow and the Ghosts when Bowman demands Dengoso's cooperation in sharing anything he knows about El Sueño and his operations in Bolivia. Despite Caveira's insistence on leaving immediately with Dengoso, the later agrees to cooperate with Bowman only with permission from his superiors. Nomad soon breaks the tension between both sides by allowing Dengoso to leave with Team Rainbow, much to Bowman's chagrin.
“ João "Dengoso" Pereira, Caveira's brother, is a Brazilian agent infiltrated in the cartel whose cover has been blown. With the help of Caveira and Twitch, Ghosts have been able to extract him. - Mission Description”
- After rescuing Caveira's little brother, Nomad questioned about Rainbow Operation Patriots, The Rainbow operator replied back with anger saying that it is highly classified. Operation Patriots is referring to the cancelled game Rainbow 6: Patriots.
- Followed by the Breakpoint DLC mission Amber Sky, also featuring Rainbow 6 Siege operators.
- Operation Archangel on the Rainbow Six Wiki.