Operation Oracle: Suspicion is a unique mission during Operation Oracle Conflict that takes place in Inca Camina and requires the player to complete Operation Oracle in order to unlock it.
After tailing Daniel and listening to his call with Bowman, the Ghosts go to their meeting to see what they're up to.
Mission Description[]
Walker wants to investigate Bowman and Daniel's meeting. Join with him at these coordinates.
After interrogating Daniel:
Daniel has sold Bowman out to Unidad and she has been taken to MOB Jaguar. Reach the Unidad base and find her.
After rescuing Bowman:
Bowman is safe but there are still some questions unanswered. Bring her to the safehouse and clarify the situation.
When complete:
Bowman faced Walker's accusations and explained she was following orders from her superiors. Daniel was a key Unidad informer and she had to protect him to secure multiple US interests in Bolivia.