Ghost Recon Wiki
Overview Ghost Recon Phantoms

The PKM with rails on the handguard appears in the game.

It is the Tier 7 LMG and is the most powerful LMG in the game with above-average accuracy, but suffers from very poor handling.


Ghost Recon Phantoms Weapons
Handguns TR-1PX4FiveseveNP-45USP45P250RedHawk
Assault rifles M27MK 16SAR-21ACRAR-21F2000AS Val
Light machine guns Mk5MK 46MK 48M96L86MG4MG366P41PKM
Submachine guns MP5A2MP7MP9PP2000PP-19P90OC-14 4A
Shotguns M500PentagunPM5M1014NS2000Model 10aKPS-12SPAS-12M3A1
Sniper rifles M24SR-1SR-25SRSMSRM200SVDVSS-HNemesis 50