Ghost Recon Wiki

The Golem Island Prototype Workshop is responsible for producing the Titan Drones. The facility is located at Sector 03 in Golem Island.


The Workshop is located at the coast of Sector 3 right beside the far left side of the Lavaduct structure, which is responsible for powering the Workshop.

Chemicals are produced and shipped via a pipeline from the refinery and alloy is excavated from the scandium mine at the base of the Lava Shield.

A SAM launcher is located on a cliff overlooking the facility in its west side.

Access to the Workshop is through the main road, with a side road at the coast leading to a bridge and to the facility's parking lot.

The Workshop is heavily defended by multiple chaingun turrets, two of which are installed onto towers, a mortar, Wolves, Sentinel troops as well as 4 Aym UGCMs. Malphas UACVs get deployed if the enemies get alerted.

The insides of the buildings cannot be explored.


  • An unfinished Baal Titan drone without the tower can be found in the exterior of the facility.



See Also[]
