Ghost Recon Wiki

Below are listed the provinces of Bolivia found in Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Wildlands, their Buchons, and the branch that they're affiliated with in the Santa Blanca Cartel.

Province Description
Chief: Marcus Jensen

Libertad is a Bolivian province where the Santa Blanca Drug Cartel uses it's top scientists to create their product.
Chief: El Emisario

Ocoro is a Bolivian province under the control of El Emisario. This rural province is quiet, easy to control, and has been chosen by El Sueño to settle coca paste and cocaine labs, its most infrastructures is in the cocaine production chain.
Chief: Madre Coca

Tabacal is a Bolivian province that is under the control of Madre Coca. It is where the Santa Blanca Drug Cartel forces individuals to farm for coca leaves.
Villa Verde
Villa Verde
Chief: El Wey

Villa Verde is the Bolivian province of the Santa Blanca Drug Cartel's pyrolusite mine which is used to make their cocaine a pure white colour.
Espiritu Santo
Espiritu Santo
Operation: INFLUENCE
Chief: La Santera

Espiritu Santo is a Bolivian province under the control of La Santera. It is the place that centres around El Sueño's religion.
Operation: INFLUENCE
Chief: El Chido

Malca is a Bolivian province where El Chido perfoms his concerts to recruit people to Santa Blanca.
Operation: INFLUENCE
Chief: DJ Perico

Pucara is a Bolivian province under the control of DJ Perico. It is used for the Santa Blanca Drug Cartel's radio and mausoleums.
P.N. Agua Verde
P.N. De Agua Verde
Operation: INFLUENCE
Chief: Carzita

P.N. De Agua Verde is a Bolivian province under the control of Carzita. It consists mostly of a large lake with several islands and is a popular destination for high-ranking cartel members, politicians and other VIPs.
Operation: SMUGGLING
Chief: El Pulpo

Barvechos is a province in Bolivia and money laundering center for the Santa Blanca Drug Cartel.
Operation: SMUGGLING
Chief: El Cerebro

Caimanes is a swampy province in Bolivia where the Santa Blanca Drug Cartel builds submarines to send cocaine over to North America and Europe.
Inca Camina
Inca Camina
Operation: SMUGGLING
Chief: La Cabra

Inca Camina is a Bolivian province where the Santa Blanca Drug Cartel buys the cocaine from the Peruvian gangs. Inca Camina is a large province mostly covered with snow and large mountains.
Operation: SMUGGLING
Chief: Boston Reed

Koani is a primary smuggling province located at the top left corner of the map. It is were the Santa Blanca Drug Cartel ship of their products to the rest of the world after stopping in Mojocoyo then Remanzo.
Operation: SMUGGLING
Chief: Antonio Garcia-Taylor

Mojocoyo is a primary smuggling province where Santa Blanca stores its cocaine. It is filled with lots of fields and plantations. Mojocoyo Base is found in the upper corner of the province, and that is where Santa Blanca stores most of its cocaine.
Operation: SMUGGLING
Chief: El Gato

Remanzo is a primary smuggling location for the Santa Blanca Drug Cartel where they package the cocaine before sending it to Koani to get shipped off.
Flor De Oro
Flor De Oro
Operation: SECURITY
Chief: General Baro

Flor De Oro is a Bolivian province completely under the control of La Unidad. It is a province covered with mostly forest. M.O.B Jaguar, Unidads HQ is found here, along with F.O.B Serpentine, Combat Outposts, Checkpoints, and a Military Hospital.
Operation: SECURITY
Chief: La Yuri and El Polito

Itacua is a province in Bolivia that is used to extract intel from enemies of the Santa Blanca Drug Cartel.
Media Luna
Media Luna
Operation: SECURITY
Chief: El Comandante

Media Luna is a Bolivian province that is completely under La Unidad's control.
Operation: SECURITY
Chief: Carl Bookhart

Montuyoc is one of the Bolivian province. It is a relatively hilly and mountainous province with the exception of the flamingo lake in the center of the province. It is used as Santa Blanca's training grounds.
San Mateo
San Mateo
Operation: SECURITY
Chief: El Pozolero

San Mateo is a Bolivian province under the control of El Pozolero. It has been transformed into a bunch of prisons, which were formerly villages, by the Santa Blanca Drug Cartel.
La Cruz
La Cruz
Operation: NONE
Chief: None

La Cruz is a Bolivian province that does not have a Santa Blanca Drug Cartel buchon controlling it. It is also home to La Plaga and Ramon Feliz.
Monte Puncu
Monte Puncu
Operation: NONE
Chief: None

Monte Puncu is a Bolivian province that is home to the Death Road and has no Santa Blanca Drug Cartel buchon controlling it.
Narco Road DLC
Province Description
El Invisible's Territory
El Invisible's Territory
Chief: El Invisible

It is the main operating area for El Invisible.
Los Jinetes Locos' Territory
Los Jinetes Locos' Territory
Chief: Tonio Mateos

It is controlled by Tonio Mateos and his gang, Los Jinetes Locos.
Los Kamikazes' Territory
Los Kamikazes' Territory
Chief: Eddie Escovado

It is controlled by Eddie Escovado and his gang, Los Kamikazes.
The Death Riders' Territory
The Death Riders' Territory
Chief: Arturo Rey

It is controlled by Arturo Rey and his gang, The Death Riders.
Fallen Ghosts DLC
Province Description
Eastern Precinct
Eastern Precinct
Chief: Tomas Ortega

Los Extranjeros sent one of their leaders, Tomas Ortega, to command. It is where he uses it as an arena for anyone strong enough.
Northern Precinct
Northern Precinct
Chief: Dante Cruzar

Los Extranjeros sent one of their leaders, Dante Cruzar, to command.
Western Precinct
Western Precinct
Chief: Luis Rocha

It is where the Los Extranjeros Major, Luis Rocha, forces the locals to start back up the Santa Blanca Cartel operations.

