“ We call it the Terminator. It's a machine like you've never seen before. It doesn't feel pity. It doesn't feel fear. And it will not stop until everyone on this island is dead. I came from the future to stop it. But I can't do it alone... Time to fight! - Rasa Aldwin”
Rasa Aldwin claimed to be from a possible 2065 future where Skynet's machines have controlled the world. She went back into the past of Auroa in 2025 by the Resistance. However she's being chased by a T-800 Terminators and needed The Ghosts help. Although Nomad with his 3 other teammates Fury, Fixit and Vasily are the best of the best special operations forces operators in the present of 2025, killing the terminator from a not so distant future with only their firearms, explosives and limited anti-tank weapons like the RAT-4s is another story. So with the help of Rasa’s special weapons - MK14 |Termination, and MGL |Terminator, they have a fighting chance against anything (especially the T-800s) that stands in their way.
After the underground factory that creates thousands of T-800s is destroyed, she's relieved that they are done for. Yet when there are few dozen of them causing havoc to Sentinel troops and the Wolves, she would tell Nomad where to find them and make sure he would take them down.
- Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Breakpoint (The Terminator Event)