Ghost Recon Wiki
Overview Ghost Recon Ghost Recon 2 G.R.A.W. Phantoms Wildlands Breakpoint

The Enfield L85A2 appears in the game as the "SA-80", it is equipped with a SUSAT scope and can be outfitted with an M320 grenade launcher. It can only be used in multiplayer, and has a 30 round magazine.

The standard rifle of the British Army, the SA-80 has recently undergone several reliability upgrades. It is a bullpup design that features a standard 4x optical sight.

Even with the addition of an underbarrel grenade launcher, the SA-80's bullpup design provides a compact combat package.


Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter 2 Weapons
Handguns Px4 Storm/SDG18M9/SDMK45ICQB .45/SD
Assault rifles Rx4 StormSCAR (H-L)M-556M416A4 RifleFAMAS G2G36KM468M8AG A3
Light machine guns M60M240GMG21MK 48T-95 LMGAS56 SAWM36 SAW
Submachine guns Cx4 StormMP5SDXM8 CompactSR-3MP90
Sniper rifles DSR-1KJY-88M95M99M107PSG-1MSG-90SR-25SR AS50M14VSK-50M-556 SL
Shotguns M1014
Explosives M-32 MGLZeus MRAPRPG-7ClaymoreM67 GrenadeSmoke GrenadeM112 C4 Charge