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“ The British military's standard issue rifle. - In-Game Description”
The L85A2 is one of the game's unlockable assault rifles. It comes with a 20-round STANAG magazine by default, an optic rail, a Daniel Defense railed forend, and Troy back-up sights.
The L85 is found in the basement of La Santera's home, next to her chapel in Espiritu Santo.
It is unusually accurate, in fact it's the most accurate assault rifle in the game, rivaling that of DMRs like the SR-25 and G-28.
El Boquita wields an L85A2 when encountered in the mission El Boquita in Koani. He is the only enemy in the game to use this weapon.
L85A2 is a bullpup Gas operated weapon system that fires a NATO 5.56mm round, with a magazine of up to 30 rounds and is effective up to 600m with one soldier firing, maximizing efficiency of 800m as a section. The L85A2 has been the British Military's weapon of choice since 1987 in which case replaced the L1A1 variant of the FN FAL, The first prototypes were created in 1976 with production systematically ending in 1994. The A1 variant was significantly upgraded in the early 2000s by Heckler & Koch as the SA80A2 and remains in service as of 2017. In mid-2016 a prototype A3 variant was showcased which further improved on the weapon and is reportedly being considered to extend the out of service date beyond 2025.
Unique variants: