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Sacred Land is a side mission included in the Sacred Land pack available only in the Ultimate Edition of Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Breakpoint.


Debra is a woman who feels closely tied to nature. She's desperate because the Sentinels are cutting down ancient trees her beloved forest. She needs help in her fight against them.
- Mission breafing

1. Go to the south-east side of Lake Clearwater located in the Smuggler Coves province. You will find a woman called Debra located praying at some traces of ancient ruins. Debra tells Nomad that a powerful evil has infiltrated the Ancinent Forest and that three great machines are destroying the environment and she needs help taking care of them.

2. Three Skell-Treemower drones are located around the Outpost Red Tiger, on the west side of Lake Clearwater. Interrogating Sentinel troops at the outpost will grant more information. Destroy them.

3. Once the drones have been destroyed, go back to Debra. She gives Nomad an advice. The mission ends.



  • Debra and the Skell-Drones are included in the map even if one doesn't own the Ultimate Edition of Ghost Recon Breakpoint. Debra cannot be interacted in any way and destroying the Skell-drones grant miscellaneous items.

