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Operation Savage Fortress is a mission conducted by Ghost Recon in 2010. It is the seventh operation during the Colombia conflict against the MFLC. Challenge rewards: multiplayer skin, cheat unlocked: one shot kill. Special rewards: cheat unlocked: team Gameloft.


With most of the MFLC leadership gone, the remaining members are scattered and disorganized. There's still a chance they could pull things back together, though. One general escaped your strike – he was smart enough to know that the meeting was a bad idea. According to some prisoners we've taken, he's ordering the MFLC's remaining troops to regroup back at their main encampment.

As a result, militias from all over the country are streaming back toward headquarters. Your job is to keep as many of these fighters from reaching the encampment as possible.

The roads leading to the encampment are ideal for ambush points, and you're going to need to take out two separate convoys of militia, destroying their vehicles with rockets. That will bottle up the route in, and keep the MFLC from getting any more reinforcements.

Once alerted of your attack, the soldiers are almost certain to call for reinforcements from the main encampment. Infiltrate their communication outpost on the road and destroy the radio room. Otherwise, you'll be up to your necks in MFLC fighters, and they'll be coming at you from both sides.

Complete this mission successfully, and we'll have the MFLC set up for the knockout punch. You have your orders.


OK man, we've got convoys to stop. Use your M136 Rocket Launcher to destroy the trucks and eliminate all hostilities
Move quickly, the convoys are nearing the encampment.

One more track to destroy.
Objective 1 completed.

Objective 2 completed.

Objective 3 completed.

Demo charge set.
Objective 4 completed.

Evacuate now and let this demo charge do it's job.
Mission completed.

Enemies: 23 (Recruit & Veteran) | 35 (Expert & Elite)


  • Challenge 19 – Sniper Course – Complete the mission with only one soldier. Your only weapons are the M82A1 Sniper and the M136 Rocket Launcher.
  • Challenge 20 – Time Course – Complete the mission with your full team and any weapon in under 3 minutes 45 seconds.
  • Challenge 21 – Survival – Complete the mission using a special M9 that kills in one shot. Be carefull – enemies have had their rifles upgraded for the occasion.
  • Special 02 – Explosion – Complete the mission with two special weapons: the M203 Grenade Launcher and M136 Rocket Launcher. Both have unlimited ammo.