Ghost Recon Wiki

The Second Korean War was a 2011 North Korean-instigated war that began when General Jung Chong-Sun led a virtual coup against the North Korean government after they planned to reduce military spending to help infrastructure. The new Chong-Sun-led regime began a state of re-militarization to prepare to go on a war of conquest against China and South Korea.


In 2011, North Korea faced a disastrous famine and political turmoil. The government had invested too much into its military buildup that it had become impossible to preserve both the military and North Korea's infrastructure, so in an attempt to curb the damage done by the famine, the government cut off military funding to support the needs of the people. Infuriated, the North Korean military mobilized against its government, led by the brutal and charismatic General Jung Chong-Sun. General Jung managed to overpower the government, and although they remained in office, Jung had almost total control of the country. With total control over the military, Jung gained access to the country's nuclear arsenal, and made preparations to start a war among the surrounding Asian powers.

The War

This prompted NATO and the United States to send a large peacekeeping force to shut down Jung's operations before he destabilized the Korean Peninsula. Great Britain, France, and Germany all openly cooperated with the U.S. The Ghosts were among the American contingent sent to stop Jung, with Captain Scott Mitchell heading their operations. This small team of men and women cooperated with NATO forces along enemy lines to liberate villages, cut off Jung's supplies, and seize nuclear weapons.

Throughout the war, General Jung seized several civilian centers and attacked some of North Korea's largest cities, such as Sinp'o and Hyesan. Working actively with Allies, the Ghosts cut off Jung's supply of gas to deprive their combat vehicles of fuel. With each strike, Jung got more desperate in winning the war.

The Ghosts were sent to seize three nuclear warheads from a train before they reached civilian-populated areas. Within the final stages of the war, General Jung launched a last-ditch effort to defeat the NATO forces and to destroy a major city. He invaded a dam near Hamhung, and planted a nuclear warhead within the structure. If detonated, thousands would die, so the Ghosts were tasked with securing the dam, disarming the warhead, and pursuing General Jung before he fled to regroup his forces. The Ghosts destroyed his helicopter before he could detonate the warhead, ending the war.

