Ghost Recon Breakpoint introduces three unmanned non-drone turret types controlled by A.I. They cannot locomote, but presumably have some level of intelligence as they possess IFF sensors and react automatically to threats upon the presence of hostiles.
Mortars and chaingun turrets can be found mostly at industrial and military facilities, while surface-to-air missile turrets can be found at specific locations at Auroa, such as key research and military facilities and air bases, though unlike in Ghost Recon Wildlands, the S.A.M. launchers are far fewer in number.
Chaingun turrets can be hacked and taken control by the player by interfiering with the control panel on the turret platform. However, due to the turret's immobility, it's generally not recommended to use them often and should be destroyed right away. SAM launchers and mortars cannot be hacked and can only be disabled.
Though it's not explicitly stated, it can be presumed that the turrets were manifactured after the bombing of the Skell Tech HQ along with the other weaponized drone variants and installed upon the activation of Operation Citadel. The chaingun turret also shares the same weapon platform as the UGCV derivatives and the Mk. II military truck.
Mortars and chain gun turrets will only activate once the player has been spotted by Sentinel forces. They cannot hear the player or see them even if they are standing right next to the sentries, if they have not been spotted by other forces. The red eye sensor is a similar weakpoint as with the other UGCVs. Their armor is much weaker than the other ground drone variants and cannot move away from their position. However, they can easily take down the player in a short duration of time.
The mortar has the same blast radius as grenades. It cannot fire if the player is situated right next to the turret. They can be deactivated stealthily.
All sentry turrets can be disabled either with bullets or via the control panel at the base of the sentry. EMP weapons also work. The shock launcher provided with the Echolon class can permamently disable the sentries, but not destroy them, though hostiles cannot turn them back on after they are disabled. Chain gun turrets can be utilized against enemies with this method. You can also sabotage the nearby generator to turn them all off without the chance to turn them back on.
Surface-to-air launchers work the exact same as they do in Ghost Recon Wildlands, however, it seems that they are fewer in number and this time can be disabled stealthily. Launchers are able to detect an aircraft within 756 meter radius, that is flying at a minimum altitude of 10 meters above the launcher. Detection can be avoided by flying close to the ground or flying at an altitude of 757 meters or above. No vehicle in Breakpoint possess anti-missile systems, so the only options to survive a launched missile is to bail out of a vehicle, use the terrain to advantage by causing the missile to hit something or by destroying the launcher before the detection meter runs out. The fixed-wing plane can be used to make a well-timed barrel roll by causing the missile to fly past, but this is very risky (in rare cases, at least the smaller scout helicopters can be used similarly to avoid hitting a missile by timing a rotation of the tail section before the missile hits). SAM launchers cannot detected an aircraft that has been ditched mid-air by the player, but the missiles will still continue to target the vehicle regardless if they have been launched. Also, despite the launchers showing obviously that they are able to hold and launch more than one missile at a time, they will still launch one and take a considerably long time to fire another.