Ghost Recon Wiki

Cole D. Walker signature Revolver. Highly stable, huge kick.
- In-Game Description

The Sharp Thunder is a fictional double action revolver which, as the description states, is Cole D. Walker's signature weapon.


Shooting six rounds of .338 ,this hand cannon can knock down most human enemies in a single shot and does a immense amount of damage at the cost of a low fire rate ,magazine size and large recoil as well

Tiered Weapons[]

Name Image Level Rarity Buff's
Sharp Thunder (*) Cole's Sharp Thunder 149 (*) Elite
  • +100 Accuracy for the last bullet in the chamber.
  • +10 Damage for the last bullet in the chamber.


  • This weapon can be retrieved after completing Brother Vs Brother.
  • Through blueprints, you can buy the Elite "Sharp Thunder" from Maria's Shop for a higher level.


  • The Sharp Thunder is based on the Smith & Wesson 629 Stealth Hunter Revolver


Ghost Recon Breakpoint Weapons (View Template)
Assault rifles AK-47AK-12AK-74M4A1SC-20KSC-40KMK17G36C416VHSD2A2TAVOR
516553805 BRENAUGSilver Stake TacticalAR-18Resistance ASRARX200MK18ACRAC-ARSR-3MG2FAL
Light machine guns L86A1MK48MG121StonerCTMMG6P41T95
Submachine guns Scorpion EVO 3MP5P90MP7Bullpup PDRUMP45SN-9mmMPXVectorUzi 9mmEchelon SMGHoney Badger
Sniper rifles L115A3M82Recon-A1HTITAC-50ScorpioVSK-50M93SR-1MSRPaladin 9 SNR
Designated Marksman Rifles MK14G28FRF-2Dragunov (SVD)M110OTS-03
Shotguns M4M590A1KSG12SASG-12RU12SGBOSG12SPAS-12ACS-12
Handguns M9PX4F405.7 USGP45TUSP TacticalDesert EagleM1911P227P320C-SFP
Sharp ThunderMaxim 9Stainless Extended .45SC IS HDGMK23
Launchers MGL
Gear Frag GrenadesSync Shot DroneC4 ChargeMinesStrike DesignatorRocket LauncherEMP GrenadesFlashbangIntel GrenadeBreaching TorchDiversion LureWater CanteenSyringeBinocularsGas Filter (Amber Ruin)UAV Scout DroneDefense Drone (Engineer-class)Supply Drone (Engineer-class)Optical camouflage (Breakpoint)