Ghost Recon Wiki

Skell Technology, also known as Skell Tech, was founded in 1991 by tech genius Jace Skell who is the Founder & Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Skell Tech. The blue-chip company rapidly grew into a titanic global corporation. After purchasing the lease to the Auroan archipelago, Skell Technology channeled all of its resources into Skell's ambitious World 2.0 project, transforming Auroa into a self-sustaining island paradise.


Skell created his own Silicon Valley of Auroa on an island somewhere in the South Pacific and near the South Pole. From 2011, his island was completed in 2016 and in 2019 he started inviting his 10,000 employees (including their families) to live on it.

Skell's mission is to make the world a better place. But the road to hell is paved with good intentions when faced with mounting evidence that its products are falling into the hands of corrupt regimes, it starts coming under increased scrutiny. And on Auroa, some researchers, scientists and engineers who are horrified by Project Deus under the leadership of Haruhi Ito, now known as Outcasts, causing damage on the island.

When they are implicated in a political assassination, the U.S. government decides to investigate further, only for Auroa to cut itself off from the outside world and have no way of contacting Skell. They were completely unaware that it was a group of rogue Ghost operators known as the Wolves who had taken over the island and let those regimes and nefarious forces wreak havoc across the globe.

As a result, Scott Mitchell sends in 32 men and women of the four Ghost teams under Anthony "Nomad" Perryman's leadership for a reconnaissance mission and, if possible, secure the archipelago and extract Skell. However, during Operation Greenstone, the Wolves used drone swarms to attack the Ghosts' helicopters that are getting onto the island. As a result, all helicopters crashed on the island and some of the surviving Ghosts were hunted down by the Wolves and a hired private military contractor, Sentinel.

Timeline of Events[]

  • 1994

The USAF ordered 200 reconnaissance drones from Skell Tech; a former startup founded in 1991 by Jace Skell, a young MIT genius. Skell's winning success at a competition organized by DARPA in 1992 attracted the attention of large investment funds.

  • 2000

Skell Technology is on a winning streak. After its introduction to Nasdaq in 1998, its subsidiary, Skell Robotics, specialized in civil robotics, won a series of tenders to automate factories in Japan and USA.

  • 2001

Jace Skell loses his wife Diane in the 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Center in New York, then establishes the Skell Foundation in 2003 to reward young talents in AI. His next venture is the founding of Skell Architecture, a new entity aimed at creating smart, green, and perfectly secure cities.

  • 2008

Jace Skell purchased the lease to the Auroa Archipelago in the South Pacific via his Skell Foundation. The Pentagon auctioned off these islands, which were the site of former US military bases. Skell Tech's board of directors saw the purchase with astonishment, while it sparked interest in Silicon Valley, where Skell has many fans.

  • 2010

After intense overnight discussions, Jace Skell convinces his board of directors to continue investing massively in developing the archipelago of Auroa. The following morning, at a conference, he finally unveils his project: to create a test-tube World 2.0 on this isolated archipelago, a cradle for tomorrow's humanity, thus guaranteeing its survival.

  • 2023

At the opening ceremony for Skell's World 2.0 project, Skell made the following proclamation:
A new world! A world at peace where everyone can flourish! We have founded this new world here on Auroa, free from the dictatorship of incompetent states. Thanks to you, Auroa has become our technological ark, a cradle for a new humanity."

Skell Technology Corporate Growth[]

Skell Technology
Description Corporate Growth Headquarters
Skell Security
Skell Security
Skell Security protects millions of citizens worldwide using its cutting-edge security drones and surveillance systems. 36 Billion $ Auroa Archipelago
Skell Invest
Skell Invest
Skell Invest oversees the group's direction and advises governmental instances on new technologies. 65 Billion $ Auroa Archipelago
Skell Robotics
Skell Robotics
Skell Robotics designs robots, machinery, and progressively innovative tools to comfort human beings. 16 Billion $ San Francisco, USA
Skell Foundation
Skell Foundation
Skell Foundation rewards research on Artificial Intelligence and promotes talent growth via exceptional opportunities. 0 Billion $ Auroa Archipelago
Skell Architecture
Skell Architecture
Skell Architecture designs home automation systems, and environmentally friendly and self-sufficient cities to benefit their citizens. 8 Billion $ San Francisco, USA
Skell Transport
Skell Transport
Skell Transport provides innovative solutions to answer logistical and ecological reqirements of civilian and goods transport. 5 Billion $ San Francisco, USA

Skell Technologies[]

Skell Tech makes many tip of the spear hardware and software not just for civilians, but also for military personnel (such as the UAV drone models used in Bolivia) and Twitch's Shock Drone (used by Team Rainbow).

Lieutenant Colonel Scott Mitchell commented it even made a prototype optical camouflage tech for John Kozak during Operation Silent Spade to do some field tests.

During Operation Kingslayer, the Ghosts got Skell Tech's heat map for better navigation.

Yet one of its employees, Daniel Rodriguez Arellano, had gone missing during Operation Oracle, until it later turns out the situation in Operation Oracle: Suspicion isn't what it seems and Cole D. Walker killed him because Daniel weaponized a drone that killed his teammates, Jeffery K. Griffin and Alejandro J. Sanchez.



External links[]

  • The website's video with its founder describing the Civilian Drone Catalog has another username and password. The username asantos is founded in a notebook on a desk [next to the Sky Cherubim drone] located in the comm building's first floor inside Unidad's M.O.B. Condor base in Media Luna province. There is a business card from Skell's R&D Technical Director Daniel Rodriguez Arellano with a quote on top, "Together, let's change the world" located on a computer desk at the top floor and the handwritten password 10068 on a yellow sticky paper stuck on the computer screen's lower left.
  • With the Special Operation 4 update of the map called the Heatmap made by Skell Tech, there is a personal message from Jace Skell telling Bowman he's eager to hear about the satellite tracking system. That message's username is kbowman and the handwritten password on yellow sticky paper 50478 with the same visit card Daniel used are located on a clipboard on a table in the Monte Punce Bravo safe house. With that, mentions of Project Aurora and a hint at possibly a new mission to come. A few seconds later, Jace remembered one last thing: that one of his staff, Daniel, went off-grid in Bolivia, who wanted Bowman and the Ghosts to find him. This is an example to get the details-> Skell Tech Heatmap Easter Egg about Bowman 🞔 No Commentary 🞔 Ghost Recon Wildlands. Or you can read this -> "Miss Bowman, this is Jace Skell. I'm so eager to hear what you think of our satellite tracking system. I will not beat around the bush - if you can find the time to file an evaluation by the end of the week, summing up the successful deployment in Bolivia and our synergetic and successful partnership, I could leverage that into support for project Aurora. I am convinced that you are satisfied with our technology, and just want to get our agendas aligned. Keep me posted. The future can't wait. Oh, one last thing - one of my staff has gone silent, is off our grid. He's supposed to be in Bolivia. It's probably just a glitch, but if you could ask some of your people to check on him, I'd appreciate it. Please, get back to me."
  • During Operation Oracle, Nomad's team got word from Bowman, Daniel was captured by Unidad and kept in a secret complex inside an abandoned train tunnel where the door could be activated by an access card. While finding Daniel, Nomad also meets with Major Cole D. Walker and extracts Daniel out of hot water to prevent Unidad from getting American industrial secrets. When the operation ends, the Kingslayer Files appeared with Bowman receiving Jace Skell's official invitation to SKELL CON (which is similar to Comic Con) to join Auroa on the 9th of May 2019 8:30 PM CET / 11:30 AM PDT.

