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The Enemy Of My Enemy is a main mission in Episode 1 of Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Breakpoint.


Jace Skell managed to escape from Sentinel and is hiding in a secret lab, but not for long. He must be found and extracted to Erewhon as quickly as possible.

1. Head to Skell Foundation Head Office in the northern part of the Infinity province. Interrogate Sentinel troops. You will find out about a secret entrance to the Point Zero laboratory underneath the office.

2. The entrance to the lab is located inside the head office building's entrance.

3. The lab is occupied by Sentinel troops, who are also looking for Jace Skell. Go through series of corridoors, until you encounter a firing range for UCGVs, that has multiple Wolves guarding it. Neutralize them and go to the final door, which has two Sentinel soldiers knocking on it. Eliminate them and go through the doorway.

4. Nomad finds Jace Skell hiding under a table. Nomad tells him that he is with Mads Schulz and Maurice Fox held up in a cave. Skell is confused, but Nomad assures him "it looks cooler than it sounds". Skell gets out of his hiding spot and explains that Operation Citadel is his fault and that it is the key to freeing Auroa. Nomad asks why is Walker involved. Skell says that he was the military advisor for Skell Technology and lead the coup to take over the arcipelago. Skell thought that Walker was his friend and Nomad says that he thought so too. At the same time a voice down in the corridor says "Well that just brings a tear to my", while a smoke grenade rolls into the lab. Skell and Nomad escape into a bulletproof room.

5. Walker, 4 unique Wolves and Josiah Hill enter the room. Walker says "Good to see you Nomad. Glad to see you're still above ground." Hill says that Walker is a revolutionary, what has happened is not personal and that they have a plan to make the world better. Nomad states Walker killed his soldiers' and Weaver. Walker says that him and the Wolves have chosen to become the soldiers they were meant to be and that Nomad's "masters" do not believe in anything. Walker offers a place among the Wolves if he turns Skell over to them. Nomad declines. Walker says "Good old Nomad. You always were righteous." and points at Nomad's head with his revolver and shoots, though it does nothing as the glass is bulletproof. Nomad doesn't believe that and escapes through a ventilation shaft that takes to a nearby location outside the head office.

6. Escort Skell back to Erewhon. On the way, Skell explains that after the drones were field tested in South America and had killed innocent civilians, he sunk the cargo ship which would have shipped more of the drones abroad. Skell belives the drones are the next deadliest weapon since the creation of the atom bomb and had to do something to prevent the drones from leaving the island, though he regrets the deaths of the crew members of the ship that had sunk.

7. Talk to Skell in front of Erewhon. Nomad introduces Skell to Mads Schulz. Schulz says that Skell should've been friendly to the Homesteaders before he needed help, though Skell thought they wanted to be left alone. Nomad explains that Sentinel are after Skell, because he has the means to shut down the drones. Harmony arrives to greet Skell and asks if he can stay at Erewhon. Schulz agrees. Skell and Haromy leave to set up Jace's computer. Mads says that Fox has something to show Nomad.

8. Talk to Fox. Skell arrives to meet his old friend. Fox shows a video of the mole inside Skell Technology recorded with smart glasses. Civilians are shown to have been dragged out of their homes at night by Sentinel, with Stone present, along with two high-ranking people rounding up citizens to a truck. A man in a coat says that they have found their guy for Stone's "Wonderland". Stone says he appreciates mid-level managers who get their hands dirty. A woman by the truck yells at the captives to hurry up and talks down a prisoner for staring at her. Stone walks up to the mole and says that this is the result of the mole's non-compliance.

9. Skell recognizes Trey Stone as the CEO of the Sentinel Corporation, Skell Tech's private security firm. Skell says that Peter Miles recommended Skell to hire Stone. Nomad says that Miles was behind Operation Greenstone and suspects if he set the Ghosts to fail. Fox and Skell explain that after a lab in the Maunga Nui island was bombed, Skell pushed to develop lethal drones, with Peter Miles funding the Omega Security Program and Cole D. Walker posing as a military advisor. Nomad deducts that after Skell had tried to shut them down, Walker started the coup. Nomad wants to get the civilians off the island and bring in the military. Skell says he has been working on a solution by exploiting a flaw with a virus which would allow a single sector within the drone swarm's area of operation to be shut down for safe passage through. Skell will give Nomad a list of what he requires to make the virus work.

10. Talk to Skell. He explains that he can create a virus, which will take control of a sector of drones which guard a perimeter within the Auroa arcipelago. He needs the help of his head engineer to make sure the backdoor of the programming stays open and they need an advanced A.I. Skell Tech had been developing. The mission ends.

Alternative route:

11. If Brother Vs Brother was completed before The Enemy Of My Enemy and Cole D. Walker was K.I.A, he will not be present when the Wolves arrive at the Point Zero laboratory. Josiah Hill will represent Walker and explains that the 4 Wolves were Ghosts like Nomad and Hill. He says that Skell and the people at Auroa are sheep and that the Ghosts have been nothing but puppets for the sheep all of their years. Hill explains that Walker took control of the drones for all war to end across the globe and mentions how Walker said that "peace is harder than war, that's why it's so rare." Hill asks if Nomad is with or against Hill and the Wolves. Nomad says he will end their operation and beat Hill until he's going to come to his senses. Hill disappointingly walks away and orders one of the Wolves to take care of Nomad by shooting at the bullet proof glass, which does nothing, though Nomad doesn't believe that and escape through a nearby ventilation shaft with Skell.


Josiah Hill has betrayed the Ghosts and joined forces with the Wolves. Fortunatly, they arrived too late and Skell was safely extracted to Erewhon to develop a plan to take back the island...


