Ghost Recon Wiki
Ghost Recon Wiki
On the eve of the announcement of the North American Joint Security Agreement, Nicaraguan rebels decide to turn Mexico City into a modern battlefield by selling some stolen surveillance hardware to some Mexican forces. To make matters worse, the US President has disappeared in this attempted coup. As a member of the elite Ghost Recon squad, it is your job to lead your futuristic warriors in to the heart of the battle against insurmountable odds and come back in one piece.
- Description

Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter, or GRAW, is a tactical shooter video game published by Ubisoft Entertainment on March 9, 2006. In the game the player takes control of a team of Ghosts while neutralizing hostile forces and completing mission objectives.

Being a tactical shooter, GRAW places emphasis on taking cover in order to stay alive along with strategic co-ordination to successfully complete missions. The game allows new strategic situations to be planned and performed using original features. One feature is the Integrated Warfighter System. The system is based on the Future Force Warrior program, which is a program made by the United States military that consists of training soldiers with weapons and armor that will be used in the future. One thing that would not be included in the real life military was the XM8 Rifle which in 2005, was cancelled while still in its testing phase.


Advanced Warfighter is highly unusual because there are three versions of the game, one for PS2 and Xbox, one for PC, and one for Xbox 360 and there are minor differences in the storyline and missions.

The gameplay puts emphasis on making the player do all of the fighting while AI teammates come along and offer minor help. Unlike in previous Ghost Recon games, the player only controls the squad leader, but the player can issue commands to AI-controlled teammates to maneuver them indirectly.

Combat in GRAW is much more forgiving than previous Ghost Recon games because the player can often survive several bullets before dying, instead of dying after only a few hits. However, the player cannot restore health in the middle of a mission, and a single headshot or burst from an assault rifle will kill the player, so the game still relies more on tactical combat than normal arcade-style shooting.


Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter

PS2/Xbox version

The PS2/Xbox version of GRAW is a first-person shooter. This version has fewer features than the Xbox 360 or PC versions. The player has only one AI-controlled teammate, and there is no tactical map or cross-comm shooting system to issue special orders or to highlight enemy positions. Mitchell never speaks in this version. This version of the game is often criticized negatively.

Xbox 360 version

Unlike all other versions of GRAW, the Xbox 360 version is a third-person shooter, using an over the shoulder perspective . This version features a unique covering system which allows the player to duck behind objects and perform tactical maneuvers such as popping up from cover and shooting. In this version the player is followed by three AI-controlled teammates. While the player can issue commands to the entire squad they cannot issue orders to an individual teammate.

The Xbox 360 version features a tactical Cross Com system. This system allows the player to command both their squad and other allied units such as UAV drones and helicopters. The Cross Com can be used in conjunction with the Intel Map, which is a tactical map showing the entire playing area to issue commands. The Cross Com system also highlights the enemy positions spotted by the player or a member of the player's squad.

PC Version

The PC version of GRAW is in first-person. This version allows the player to issue commands to individual teammates, in an effort to appeal to the fans of the original Ghost Recon series. This version requires the player to use squad tactics to achieve success. This version also features larger levels than the console versions, with the enemy AI more likely to use ambush tactics, as a result the player must be more aware.

Like the Xbox 360 version the PC version features a Cross Com system that allows the player to issue commands to friendly units, as well as to lay down attack routes and battle plans on a real-time tactical map. The Cross Com system also highlights enemy soldiers spotted by friendly units. Unlike the Xbox 360 version the Cross Com only highlights enemies within the squad's line of sight.

Inventory (PC)

Before a mission the player is allowed to choose the weapons for the ghost team. A ghost may carry a primary weapon, a secondary weapon, and extra ammo or a heat-seeking RPG. Every Ghost has a maximum weight that they can carry. The more equipment a Ghost is carrying, the faster he gets fatigued when sprinting. Some of the weapons may be modified and the player can add various things to them such as laser sights, grenade launchers, silencers, and front grips. Every modification has its advantages and disadvantages. The red dot sight increases accuracy by replacing the standard iron sights, but adds some weight. Grenade launchers reduce accuracy and are heavy, but give the option of launching grenades. Silencers decrease the sound of the weapon firing and the muzzle flash at the expense of accuracy, and range. Front grips increase stability at the expense of accuracy. Players can also take ammunition from the weapons of dead enemies or allies if their weapon is of the same caliber, but are not allowed to pick up the weapons themselves. The weapons used by the Ghosts are various assortments of rifles, submachine guns, pistols and explosives, some of which are supposedly going to enter military service in the future where the game takes place.



The plot takes after the events of Ghost Recon 2: Summit Strike. Players take control of Captain Scott Mitchell as he commands the Ghosts in an attempt to protect the United States and Mexican presidents, recover stolen U.S military technology, and battle Mexican rebels. The story unfolds entirely in a realistic and detailed modeling of Mexico City, one of the world's largest cities. It is this size that allows GRAW to provide multiple location like in the previous Ghost Recon games, ranging from heavily industrialized areas to local parks and landmarks to office districts.


The game takes place over the course of three days in 2013, beginning in Mexico City. A US spy plane carrying Guardrail IX, a device capable of disrupting wireless communications, is shot down over Nicaragua. Intelligence discovers a plot to transfer the device to rebels in Mexico City, and the Ghosts are sent in to retrieve it. One of the rebels is identified as Colonel Carlos Ontiveros, son of Mexican General Ontiveros, and a student of Bud, Mitchell's friend and a UH-60 Blackhawk pilot. The mission is aborted when a coup d'état begins in Mexico City and the Ghosts are ordered to Mexico City immediately, where a summit involving the leaders of the United States: President James Ballantine, Canada: Canadian Prime Minister (unnamed), and Mexico: President Ruiz-Pena, who are signing the North American Joint Security Agreement (NAJSA). The summit is attacked by Mexican revolutionaries, who kill the Canadian Prime Minister, and force the Presidents of the US and Mexico into hiding. Mitchell is sent to safely extract both leaders.

Ballantine is safely evacuated to Air Force One but is unable to take off due to the danger of being shot down. President Ruiz-Pena is evacuated to the US Embassy in Mexico City where a bomb nearly destroys the embassy, and the Ghosts fend off a massive onslaught long enough for help to arrive. The Mexican President agrees to allow US forces to fight the rebels and restore order. Mitchell is tasked with destroying artillery to open the road for an assault on Chapultapec, where 50 M1A2 Abrams tanks given to the Mexican government as part of NAJSA lie idle. He is later ordered to rescue the American tankers who had been training the Mexicans in how to use them and "borrow" a few tanks.

The rebels use Guardrail IX to monitor US communications and the rebel special forces called the Aquila 7 ambush the Ghosts protecting the President. Mitchell is ordered to rescue him. President Ballantine's rescue is successful, but the Nuclear Football is stolen by the rebels and with the Guardrail IX, the rebels are able to control US ICBMs, which cause China and Russia to ready their own.

Mitchell is ordered to retrieve the Guardrail IX and the Football, but he only succeeds in disabling the Guardrail IX. He is then ordered to return to clear several blockades in Mexico City to allow US tanks to pass. While being extracted, Major General Martin's Black Hawk Helicopter is shot down and Mitchell is ordered to defend him until he can be extracted. US forces then begin a final push towards Zocalo Plaza where General Ontiveros is held up inside the Palacio National.

Mitchell is ordered to destroy the last pieces of the Guardrail IX before sneaking into the palace. General Ontiveros is there and was captured while attempting to flee, but Carlos manages to escape and hijacks Bud's Black Hawk, shooting him in the head and then shoves him off and puts on his helmet, angering Mitchell, who sees this happen on his Cross Com. Carlos flies to the wrecked US embassy and begins transferring the codes for the US nuclear arsenal. Mitchell and his team raid the embassy, recover the football, and finally track down and kill Carlos.

A retired U.S. Army general, James Monroe, who was opposed to the U.S.-Mexican treaty is discovered to be the traitor within the U.S. government that had been assisting the Ontiveros' in their activities.

Missions list

Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter
Training GRAW
Coup d'etat
Coup d'etat
VIP 2 is down
VIP 2 is down
Strong Point
Strong Point
Mayday! Mayday!
Mayday! Mayday!
Ready for Bear
Ready for Bear
Guardrail IX
Guardrail IX
Fierce Resistance
Fierce Resistance
NORAD on the Line
NORAD on the Line

Coop maps (Xbox360)

Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter (Coop Maps)
Old Town
Old Town
File:Coffee Plantation.png
Coffee Plantation
File:Shipping Port.png
Shipping Port
File:River Depot Day.png
River Depot Day
Jungle Mines
Jungle Mines

Multiplayer (Xbox360)

There are 15 available game types in Xbox multiplayer that test your mettle as an advanced warfighter. All your skills, honed by playing the single-player campaign, are put to the test in these contests for survival. All game types can be played on the available maps, which often drastically change your strategy and approach to an arena. The sniper perch you used to gun down traffic in Sharpshooter on a particular map may be too far away from the central action in teambased Strike Command on the same battlefield.


  • Elimination: Team Elimination mode splits the players into two warring factions with only one goal—complete elimination of the opposition. Soldiers must exercise teamwork if they are to successfully corner and neutralize the enemy team. Every kill equals a point, and the team with the most points at the end of the mode is the winner.
    • Bounty Hunter: Players have infinite spawns, so carnage is high. Players are assigned a "target" opponent at the beginning of the match and receive bonus points for consecutive kills. If the player is shot, there point accruement start over after respawning. Player with most points when time is up wins.
    • Seek and Destroy: When a player achieves the first kill, that player becomes the target. If another player manages to shoot the target, they become the target. Points are only awarded for shooting the target, not for eliminating other players. The target can earn points by shooting players. Players have unlimited respawns.
    • Last Man Standing: Players cannot respawn in this heated match. The last player to survive the firefight wins.
    • Sharpshooter: This traditional deathmatch-style game ends with the first player to achieve 10 kills. There are no bonus points for consecutive kills.
    • Thief: Players must shoot each other. The player with the highest score becomes the “thief,” and is hunted by the other players. Players receive two points for killing the thief and one point for shooting other players. Each player has only five respawns.
    • Firefight: The enemy density on the map is considered medium, with some pockets of safety between various hot zones. Each player must check their aggressions, because they are limited to three respawns. Once you have been eliminated for the fourth time, you are relegated to the role of spectator. Hosts can customize this match type to grant respawns and alter the number of enemies present in the match.

  • Territory: Team Territory mode divides players into two groups and charges them with controlling specific zones on the available maps. The contested real estate sites are not terribly large, as pointed out on the individual maps. Ownership of the zones is staked out by initial physical presence, which can later flip-flop between factions as the match progresses.
    • Domination: There are five zones to be captured and points are continuously awarded as long as a team holds a territory. The team with the most points when time expires wins. There are unlimited respawns, and helicopters do not factor into gameplay.
    • Hamburger Hill: Teams contest a central zone in the map. The longer a team occupies the zone, the more points they receive. The team that occupies the zone benefits from additional support from a helicopter that flies above the map and attacks the team not currently in control of the zone. Players have infinite respawns and the team with the most points at the end of the match wins.
    • Siege: The team’s base is selected as the territory to control. Teams must find the base and control it while the other team attacks. There are infinite respawns and no helicopter support. The team with the most points when time is up is declared the winner.

  • Objective: Team Objective mode also splits the players into two opposing parties, but it then sends them out into the field to capture a flag or officer on the map. This is another mode that requires deft teamwork and solid communication, as the objects in question are not plentiful. All players are alerted when somebody makes a move on the objective, which is likely to bring down the wrath of multiple players.
    • Capture the Flag: Players try to steal the opposing team’s flag and return it to their base while defending their own flag from encroachers. Players benefit from infinite respawns. The match ends when the first team reaches 10 points.
    • Recover: There is a single flag in the center of the map, which both teams must fight over. Points are awarded when the flag is taken back to the team base. Players have infinite respawns and the game ends when the first team reaches 10 points.
    • Search and Rescue: There are multiple unarmed officers located in the map that must be escorted back to each team’s base. Teams earn points for every second an officer survives in their custody. The team with the most points when time runs out wins.
    • Escort: Players must seek out an armed officer. The armed officer shoots at all other players while in custody. The longer you hold on to the officer, the more points you receive. The first player to reach 50 points wins.
    • Flag Carry: Players make a mad dash for a single flag in the center of the map. Points are accrued as long as you hold the flag, but if you are shot, you drop the flag. The player with the most points when time is up wins.
    • Recon: Firefights are not advised, as they raise alarm and attract reinforcements. Since players cannot respawn after being killed, stealth is priority one. Hosts can customize this match type to grant respawns, alter the number of enemies present in the match, alter the number of zones that players must recon, and whether or not being detected by enemies ends the match in failure.


Classes Description
Rifleman (GRAW)
The Rifleman class enjoys accuracy bonuses while standing or moving, greater accuracy, quicker reload times, and additional ammunition from Rifleman weapons.

Rifleman Weapons
SCAR (H-L)G36KM468A4 RifleMR-CMP5SDSA-80AK-47T-95
The Grenadier is your demolitions expert. They receive bonuses when using rocket and grenade launchers that include accuracy, reload time, and ammunition supply. If you like blowing everything up, this is the class for you.

Grenadier Weapons
SCAR/EGLM (H-L)M468-SD/M320A4 Rifle/M320MR-C/AGLSA-80/M320T-95/M320ZEUS MPAR
Automatic Rifleman
Automatic Rifleman
Automatic Rifleman players receive extra accuracy bonuses when using weapons with full-auto fire and when firing from the crouched or prone positions. This class enjoys greater accuracy, quicker reload times, and extra ammunition when using light machine guns.

Automatic Rifleman Weapons
The Marksman class excels at single-shot firing and firing while in the prone position. Marksmen benefit when using sniper rifles by receiving greater accuracy, quicker reload times, and more ammo stocks.

Marksman Weapons
KJY-88 SniperM107 SniperPSG-1 SniperSR-25 SniperSR AS50

Multiplayer maps (Xbox360)

Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter (X360 Multiplayer Maps)
Desert Gulch
Desert Gulch
Rocky Cove
Rocky Cove
Fishing Village
Fishing Village
Dry Dock
Dry Dock

Multiplayer (PC)

Domination Mode

The goal of the game is to capture all the zones on the map - or hold the most zones when the match time is up. Your enemy's base zone can not be captured. Zones not held by either team are neutral. You capture a zone by outnumbering the enemy forces in that zone. This progress goes faster the more teammates you have there.

A zone can only be captured if it is connected directly or indirectly to your team s base zone. These connections are called supply chains, and appear automatically between all zones held by a team. Although you can't capture it, an enemy zone can be neutralized even if you don't hold an adjacent zone. This way you can cut your enemies supply chains to strangle their frontline forces.

The ownership monitor - underneath the minimap - shows all due battle data:

  • Friendly zones are blue
  • Enemy zones are red
  • Neutral zones are grey

If you stand in a zone that is held by your team and is connected to a supply chain, you can enter the equipment screen to change gear. You buy equipment with the tactical points earned during the game.

Whenever you die you are taken to the status screen, where you wait to respawn. From here you can enter the equipment screen.

Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter (PC Multiplayer Maps)
Shanty Town PC
Shanty Town
Warehouses PC
Downtown PC
Avenue PC
City Heat PC
City Heat




High Ranking Officers

Other U.S. forces



Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter Weapons
Handguns G18M9
Assault rifles SCAR (H-L)G36KM468A4 RifleXM8XM8 CompactModular Rifle-Caseless
SA-80AK-47 DRUMT-95
Light machine guns M60MG21MK 48T-95 LMGBrowning M2A2
Submachine guns MP5SD
Sniper rifles KJY-88M99M107PSG-1SR-25SR AS50
Explosives C-4Zeus MRAPRPG-7M67 Grenade

External links
