Willem Van Dyke is a famous entomologist expert in bee behavior and an engineer, who came to work for Skell Technology in order to improve their drones' algorithm to be able to communicate better with one other. However, he realized that his work was used in the making of weapons, so he rebelled, but paid a heavy price.
“ Wym Van Dyke is a world-renowned entomologist, specializing exclusively in bees. Known as "Dr. Hive" in the scientific community, he studies bee colonies, their behavior and communication. He believes their extinction would be a major environmental disaster. Incidentally, his research on mass group behavior can be seen as a way to develop drone swarm communication. Yet his work in Project CLAW is used as weapons. - Excerpt from her file from the mission briefing”
Related Missions[]
- Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Breakpoint (Deep State DLC)