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Without A Trace is a main mission in Episode 1 of Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Breakpoint.


Paula Madera is still missing. Based on the latest information gathered, she is being held by Sentinel in the Restricted Area 01 province. Skell is still waiting for her to be brought back to Erewhon.

1. Go to the Freeman Residences in the Restricted Area 01 province by Lake Elizabeth. Investigate from civilians for Paula Madera's location. They will tell you that she is in the Omega R&D Center.

2. Head to the Omega R&D Center in the province. It is south of the Freeman Residences, near the Blackburn Ridge and Devil Forest. Paula Madera is in her office in the top floor of the main building, down the third floor hallway.

3. Nomad explains that he found Madera with the help of Daigoroh Ito. Madera mentions that Trey Stone said all of the Outcasts were dead. Nomad asks Madera about Stone, but she doesn't know anything, except that Stone and Cole D. Walker were best "frenemies." Nomad says that he knows the type.

4. In a flashback a few years back in Afghanistan, Walker, Nomad and Josiah Hill are out on a scouting mission with a sniper rifle. Nomad and Walker are joking about whether they'd be in the blistering cold of Afghanistan or in the rancid heat and humidity of Bolivia. Walker mentions that he has a friend called Stone, who set up his own contract work in Mexico, the Retaliation Teams. Three insurgents walk out in the open, Nomad opens fire on them.

Nomad is unsure about doing contract work, but Walker reminds to say that when he has 2 daughters headed for college. One of the insurgents starts crawling towards the doorway with another giving a hand. Nomad shoots them both. Walker mentions that he is unsure about the work as well, as he didn't get along with Stone too well. Walker and Hill change shifts.

5. In the present, Madera thinks Nomad is part of the Wolves. Nomad assures he is not and wants to extract her out. Madera is unwilling leave the factory operational. She gives Nomad a detonator to blow up energy cells she has placed at three locations around the facility.

6. Locate three piles of red explosive boxes around the facility and place detonators in them. One is in Madera's office, second is in the mechanical testing labs next to the disassembled Behemoth drone and third is in the workshop with the ground drone chassises. Then head back to Madera.

7. As Madera and Nomad are about to leave, Flycatcher has arrived with his drones and Wolves and attack Madera through her office's window. Nomad and Madera attempt to escape through the hallway, but the drones surround them. Madera hides in an office. Flycatcher's drone caught up with her, but Nomad shoots it down before it shoots Madera. They try to leave once again, but another drone appears. Nomad manages to shoot it down, but as it crashes, its propellers cut open Madera's thigh severly. She tells Nomad to take her to the South Cape Station to get help.

8. You have 15 minutes to take Madera to the Outcasts' main base in the Windy Islands province. Wolves will rush to your position. Kill them and board Madera on the nearby parked Gyps helicopter. The explosives you set up will blow up as you leave the facility. On your way, Nomad tries to keep Madera awake while the wound bleeds severely. Nomad asks if Madera designed the drones he just fought. Madera says that she partly created them. The rest was done by Flycatcher, who is a smart, amateur engineer, who customizes his own gadgets. Madera mentions how he was her personal jailer for months at the Detention Center. There was a rumor that Flycatcher adbucted one of Madera's engineers, Wallace, to work on something sinister. She asks Nomad to hunt down Flycatcher and says that Wallace was in the Grandview Mansion before she went missing, before she loses consciousness.

9. At the South Cape Station, carry Paula Madera to the main hut. Haruhi Ito is there to meet and tells Madera to be taken to the medical bay. Nomad says that drones attacked them, but he saved Madera. He says that Daigoroh Ito, Haruhi's brother, helped Nomad to find Madera. Haruhi tells Nomad to visit Madera in the medical bay.

10. At the med center, Nomad brings an apple to Madera. Madera mentions that she should've never helped making the drones on the island and asks what Nomad wants from her. He says that he is working with Jace Skell. Madera warns Nomad not to work with Skell, as he is responsible for what is happening on the archipelago. Nomad says that Skell isn't working with Sentinel, but Madera says that he was working with them and tells Nomad to ask Skell about Project Deus.

11. Go to Erewhon and talk to Jace Skell. Skell mentions that Madera hates him. He thought that Madera would have gone over it. Nomad says that after he mentioned Skell's name, she wouldn't even talk to Nomad. He asks what is Project Deus. Skell says that it isn't the problem, but rather what harm it can cause.

12. A flashback plays just before Operation Citadel. Cole D. Walker meets Paula Madera for the first time in a testing facility. Walker asks about the work on the deep-learning A.I. controlling the drones. Madera is confused about what Walker is talking about. He says that he sees a super-intelligent computer using predictive analytics to finding terror threats around the world. Madera deducts that Walker is talking about Maddox and her Project Deus. Madera asks if Walker wants first to use an advanced computer to kill people, but he responds that he wants to keep the free world safe. Madera asks what would keep the free world safe from Deus. She is shocked about the revelation and refuses to be a part of it. Skell tries to get her to listen, but Madera leaves. Walker assures that Madera would see reason if she is as smart as she is.

13. Nomad is surprised that Skell and Walker were friends. Skell has a plan to get Madera to help them with the virus. He needs evidence on the Outcasts being responsible for bombing the Skell Foundation Head Office and Nomad has to visit Madera's husband before Madera can trust them. The mission ends.

Madera has been freed, but refuses to join Skell working on the virus. An old disagreement is still holding her back. She'll need strong reasons to get on board. Skell might have some ideas about that.



