Ghost Recon Wiki
Overview Wildlands Breakpoint

Highest penetration in class, high damage, tough to control.
- In-Game Description

The Zastava M93 is a Sniper Rifle.


The Zastava M93 is an excellent anti-material rifle, boasting the highest penetration in the sniper rifle class. It excels against hostile vehicles and ground drone weakpoints. Another unique bonus is that the M93 has the highest default magazine size of the sniper rifles at ten rounds, rivaling other sniper rifles with their extended magazines. However, the M93's attachment selection is limited to only the optic slot, limiting its customizability, and it performs poorly in stealth situations due to it being the only sniper rifle incapable of using a sound suppressor.

Tiered Weapons[]

Name Image Level Rarity Buff's
Zastava's - M93 (*) Zastava's M93 114 * Elite
  • + Ignore enemy armor.


  • This weapon can be retrieved after completing Speak No Evil.
  • Through blueprints, you can buy the Elite "Zastava's - M93" from Maria's Shop for a higher level.


Ghost Recon Breakpoint Weapons (View Template)
Assault rifles AK-47AK-12AK-74M4A1SC-20KSC-40KMK17G36C416VHSD2A2TAVOR
516553805 BRENAUGSilver Stake TacticalAR-18Resistance ASRARX200MK18ACRAC-ARSR-3MG2FAL
Light machine guns L86A1MK48MG121StonerCTMMG6P41T95
Submachine guns Scorpion EVO 3MP5P90MP7Bullpup PDRUMP45SN-9mmMPXVectorUzi 9mmEchelon SMGHoney Badger
Sniper rifles L115A3M82Recon-A1HTITAC-50ScorpioVSK-50M93SR-1MSRPaladin 9 SNR
Designated Marksman Rifles MK14G28FRF-2Dragunov (SVD)M110OTS-03
Shotguns M4M590A1KSG12SASG-12RU12SGBOSG12SPAS-12ACS-12
Handguns M9PX4F405.7 USGP45TUSP TacticalDesert EagleM1911P227P320C-SFP
Sharp ThunderMaxim 9Stainless Extended .45SC IS HDGMK23
Launchers MGL
Gear Frag GrenadesSync Shot DroneC4 ChargeMinesStrike DesignatorRocket LauncherEMP GrenadesFlashbangIntel GrenadeBreaching TorchDiversion LureWater CanteenSyringeBinocularsGas Filter (Amber Ruin)UAV Scout DroneDefense Drone (Engineer-class)Supply Drone (Engineer-class)Optical camouflage (Breakpoint)