Ghost Recon Wiki
Overview G.R.A.W.
The ZEUS-MPAR is a new anti-armor system designed to provide the portability of the AT4 within a multi-use reloadable package, capable of destroying armored vehicles.
- In-Game Description

Called the Zeus-MPAR in the game, the FGM-172 SRAW can be used by the player and assigned to teammates, and is the preferred weapon of Anti-Armor specialist John Hume in the console versions. To use it, players must first look through the scope and lock onto a heat source large enough for the missile to home in on, a category that includes helicopters, tanks, and even guntrucks and APCs. The warhead is of the "fire-and-forget" variety, so players do not need to keep designating the target. Despite having only a single shot, the FGM-172 is capable of destroying any vehicular target it has locked onto in one hit. It is not possible to carry additional warheads for the launcher.


Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter 2 Weapons
Handguns Px4 Storm/SDG18M9/SDMK45ICQB .45/SD
Assault rifles Rx4 StormSCAR (H-L)M-556M416A4 RifleFAMAS G2G36KM468M8AG A3
Light machine guns M60M240GMG21MK 48T-95 LMGAS56 SAWM36 SAW
Submachine guns Cx4 StormMP5SDXM8 CompactSR-3MP90
Sniper rifles DSR-1KJY-88M95M99M107PSG-1MSG-90SR-25SR AS50M14VSK-50M-556 SL
Shotguns M1014
Explosives M-32 MGLZeus MRAPRPG-7ClaymoreM67 GrenadeSmoke GrenadeM112 C4 Charge